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    I miss him more than anything

  • I miss him more than anything

    iloveandmissyou updated 3 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • trinityspiritual

    January 31, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    Would it be ok to try and connect and work with you? If there is anything that I say that you are not sure of then please let me know and I will explain it better 🙂


    I feel that this gentleman would be a man who although would express his love physically (hugs, etc) and materialistically as well. I want to say that he wouldn’t open up a lot verbally. I want to say he keeps quite a lot to himself.

    He’s making me feel that his passing although did come as a shock, you also had time beforehand to process what was happening, I want to say that he had a short illness. I just see him becoming weak quite quickly if I’m honest.

    For some reason he’s showing me his hands, for me that usually means that he would work with his hands. Usually that would be as a job for me, maybe building things, manual labour, factory work, etc.

    He’s showing me his ribs and lungs. I want to say that there would have been attempts at resuscitating or chest compressions at some point. I’ve never been given ribs as a symbol before so I apologise if I have gotten the resuscitation part wrong as I’m trying to interpret what this means .

    I know I need to give you a gold bracelet from him and I need to put it on your right wrist.

    I also need to give you pink roses and white lillies. Roses for me are for the love and lillies for me are death (for this though, this is him acknowledging how hard his passing has been for your family). It is him also recognising that you’re still mourning for him and still coming to grips with life without him.

    I just want you to continue to have those conversations with him. Just think them or say them out load and he will hear you and in his own little way will give you signs he is around. Just keep talking to him.


  • KokaInstantNoodles

    January 31, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    I felt a lot of sadness and grief while trying to connect with him. I feel he was not prepared to pass away when he did. I loves you more than anything. I also saw a storm and plenty of rain.

  • iloveandmissyou

    January 31, 2021 at 11:20 pm

    Was ur father going through emotional difficulties prior to his departure. (not to be offensive).
    I feel ur uncertain regarding his passing. he loves you very much. U can pm me if u feel a connection. I’ll try to help xx

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