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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing I need help finding a way to contact this company. Sick of being cat called. I’m reporting his ass. Sorry if wrong sub I didn’t really know where to post it. More in comments.

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    I need help finding a way to contact this company. Sick of being cat called. I’m reporting his ass. Sorry if wrong sub I didn’t really know where to post it. More in comments.

  • I need help finding a way to contact this company. Sick of being cat called. I’m reporting his ass. Sorry if wrong sub I didn’t really know where to post it. More in comments.

  • acidbutterscotch

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    Truck stop stripper here. That’s an All Chem truck, absolutely report them. They lease out trucks to other companies as well, so the driver might work for someone else, I’d try to find out if that’s the case if/when you call so you can make sure that specific person’s boss finds out. Nobody behaving that way needs to be behind the wheel, let alone hauling a tank trailer.

  • KJE69

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    I’m driving to school today and I hear a semi honk next to me, of course my heart gallops and I start looking for something amiss around my vehicle. It isn’t until he passed me that I noticed the driver was waving at me. There was a lot of traffic so of course we keep meeting up next to each other. I looked over the second time he honked, got the disgusting uninvited V mouth tongue flick thing. At this point I’m so focused on looking straight ahead and ignoring him. The third time we meet up I’m still trying to look forward and he honks LOUD this time right next to my car. I didn’t look again but he was now arm out the window face in mirror waving at me. That’s when I remembered what my husband told me a long time ago when I complained about a similar situation and he recommended getting some kind of ID off of the vehicle, uniform, etc to report the person for acting that way on the job. I usually forget and get thrown into flight or fight mode. I DIDNT FORGET TODAY and took the photo. But, I cannot locate this company online.

    I don’t know if this is the sun for something like this but I couldn’t think of one off the top of my head.

    If you can help thank you!

  • Amelia_the_Mouse

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    Report the driver for unsafe conduct. Anyone transporting dangerous chemicals (UN 1778 is Silicoflouric Acid) should be paying attention to the road and not catcalling other motorists.


    Edit: Apart from just being a total creepwad, the distraction should be red flag to the employer. If they ignore you, try the NJ department of transportation (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation Inquiries: 609-530-8026) from their web site

  • Itu_Leona

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    That is not just cat called. Cat called is a whistle as you walk by on the street. That is outright harassed. Unacceptable. I hope they find the fucker!

  • elevatedbake

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    I used to work in logistics and with the assholes who dispatch these MF’s. If you need someone to call for you and let them have it I will absolutely do that for you. They give these dudes their loads so the drivers are actually worried about what gets back to dispatch/brokers.

  • nine_inch_owls

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    License looks like: TVZ 91D

  • hedgewitchknitter

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    Emailed. Just a bit of chaos ✨ magic I guess! I hope you are recovering from your experience OP.

  • im_an_eagle_dammit

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    Found the website for the trucking company! It’s I’m not sure if the Trucker would work for them or if they just lease the truck, but it could be a start. If it’s not their guy maybe they could give you the company he’s from?

  • gardenroses23

    July 4, 2021 at 5:48 pm

    I can’t see the company’s name on the picture, it is too blurry. Do you know it and if so could you write it?

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