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Forums Forums Mediums Im 23 & lost both my parents within the past 2 years. Does anyone get anything off of this ????

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    Im 23 & lost both my parents within the past 2 years. Does anyone get anything off of this ????

  • Im 23 & lost both my parents within the past 2 years. Does anyone get anything off of this ????

    liampjackson updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 8 Replies
  • pillowhunter

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    I’m not a medium but I’m deeply sorry for your loss. Sending you love and light <3

  • TheSaltyTarot

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Looks like a funny family. I’m sorry for your loss, but it’s not a waste to keep loving them and talking to them. 🙂

  • sarebear233

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    “He loves you so much” popped into my head as soon as scrolling and seeing this photo. ♥️

  • JeepSRT7161

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Go watch near death experiences show on Netflix. It will open your eyes to what’s going on.

  • mariaruubio23

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Omg he looks like the sweetest person ever. I’m so sorry for your loss

  • majspriajs

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    They look so sweet and loving, i feel like they are Always with you and so proud of you. I get a feeling that they liked to joke around with you, almost teasing you but in loving way if that makes sense.

  • KentLooking

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Getting a strange sense of humor. Almost like sarcasm. They do love you though. Plenty of laughter and good times with them. Never a dull moment

  • liampjackson

    February 13, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    They love you so much I’m not a medium but I can read souls They will be going through a life review they can hear you open your heart focus on breathing eliminating any thoughts and connect with them if you can’t sprint run if you can’t run jog if you can’t jog walk if you can’t walk crawl all knowledge is within you can connect to them at any point in your journey the other side is like a translucent layer they aren’t not held to laws of the universe like we are when reincarnated on earth they can be anywhere at anytime when back in there true forms of light make sure to take care of your self treat your body like a temple refill your energy by eating healthy going for walks taking time for yourself connect with you guardian angels guides and ancestors by focusing on breath you are so loved I feel energy all around you I hope you connect to a reliable medium I lost my girlfriend a year ago it’s tough but once you reconnect and understand more about yourself and your connection to that person it helps to understand the process of change and helps understand who we really are as a soul the only consistency in the universe is change I hope this helps sending love and light your way

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