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Forums Forums Mediums Is it normal or is there something more to it?

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    So I have had the urge to read my tarot cards and a day ago I didn’t because I had a weird feeling about it and it felt like I should read them but just not that day. Something told me I had to wait so I did.

    Today I read them and I woke up did my routine and I got to do a reading for my self and my mom. While doing them on my self I did have a clear quartz out to cleans the tarot cards and myself. What came about the reading was good and what I needed to hear.

    After finishing I didn’t feel warn out or anything. But after cleansing and reading them for my mom I started to feel tired and like I lost some of my energy. The reading for my mom was good and she told me that I’m getting better which is good.

    But shortly after finishing and cleansing the cards I felt warn out like I’ve said and really tired.

    Is this normal for others who do this? Or is it something else?

    Thank you in advance

    Also when I cleansed myself with my crystal. I had the clear quartz up against my chest and I felt an immediate relief and gained some of my energy back.

  • Is it normal or is there something more to it?

     lemonnnngrabbb updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • maowski14

    November 28, 2021 at 2:55 am

    I’ve had that worn out feeling after communicating with spirits before, either through the cards or through clairsentience/clairvoyance. I think it’s pretty normal. Usually eating/drinking, walking in nature, or doing something that feels physically good (like a hot bath or shower) helps replenish thd lost energy

  • yalllove

    November 28, 2021 at 2:55 am

    It’s very very normal to feel tired after reading tarot or any other medium activity. It actually takes energy to connect to the Infinite Spirit through the veil. Sometimes I like to do tarot before sleep for that reason. It’s not a bad spirit or anything evil, it simply takes energy to pierce the veil.

    In time you will be able to read for longer without getting tired as much. At first limit your readings to an hour. For the same reason my team will not speak to me when I am tired or need extra energy like when I am on my period sometimes.

    The fact that you feel tired like that is actually a sign that you are properly connecting.

    If you watch Surviving Death on Netflix you’ll see in the Medium episode that lady gets properly wiped out every time she connects. It’s like a muscle though, keep exercising but also do it only when you feel good.

    I was in a mediumship class once and after reading for people for a couple of hours I felt more tired than ever, and I have had situations where I had to work for 24 hours straight without taking a break, and this was worse! The next day other women were complaining of exhaustion too – and then I was like well the teacher told us not to read for over an hour and yet we all did. Pace yourself!

  • BearFuzanglong

    November 28, 2021 at 2:55 am

    For some apparently, I’ve heard that before, I never had that issue. For some it’s invigorating and they gain energy.

  • Sand_msm

    November 28, 2021 at 2:55 am

    Yes. I feel this too. It gets better with practice but sometimes I don’t touch my cards for weeks when I feel tired 😉 mediate, connect with Mother Nature and rest 🙂

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 28, 2021 at 2:55 am

    Psychic work is *work.* Of course it’s tiring.

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