Forums › Forums › Astrology › is it possible to feel like another rising sign when you’re not that rising sign?
AriannaParticipantSo I’m a 0 degree Pisces rising.
I don’t feel like I look like one though. I feel like an Aquarius rising, I feel like I don’t fit in, I’m weird, I look eccentric, but that could be my Aquarius Uranus conjuct ascendant tho. I feel everyone judging me and I can tell if ppl don’t like me or not.
I’ve tried to see if my birth time was mixed up but it’s not! Anyone else feel like this? -
is it possible to feel like another rising sign when you’re not that rising sign?
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amTwo things:
Planets conjunct the Asc (or any aspects really) often add some flavor to how the rising sign is interpreted. For example, someone who was a Pisces rising that had Mercury conjunct the Asc would be more chaotic/mischievous than your regular Pisces rising because Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and Virgo. Note that planets rule signs, not the other way around. So for you, Uranus is a modern co-ruler of Aquarius so that definitely affects how you are perceived.
Second, we all have a planetary chart ruler. Since you are a Pisces rising, your traditional chart ruler is Jupiter, so look to your Jupiter placement.
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amThere’s always a pretty easy way to explain why one doesn’t “relate to” their rising. But that requires a chart, and personal charts and questions about them aren’t allowed in this sub. You could post your chart on r/askastrologers and someone could explain for you.
Lots of factors go into all this. One’s understanding of the sign – which often is not very good, or at least, good sources haven’t been found. Also, those new to astrology don’t understand that a sign doesn’t express the same way in everyone. Nor do they know yet that all kinds of things impact and later that rising sign — such as aspects and other placements. So, posting your chart could clear things up for you.
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amIt’s possible that the rest of your chart jives heavily with aquarius. Look to the houses that your placements are in. If many, especially your riding, are in the 11th house that would explain a lot.
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amI’d say you can if you have a stellium in another sign. I have a Leo rising and I very much act like it, but I also act like my Capricorn stellium.
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amI’m a 17° pisces rising and i feel more like an aquarius too. Like you i only have uranus and neptune in aquarius and someone here a while ago told me that this could be because i personally have an air grand trine (gemini moon, libra mars and aqua uranus) so maybe it’s also your case!
Also i wanna add that the ruler of my ascendant is neptune which is in aquarius and in the 11th house -
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amAqua Uranus conjunct ascendant would definitely do it. Also, check your progressed chart.
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amDo you have other Aquarius placements in your chart?
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 ami do believe so, i cant get an exact answer of my birth time by 10 minutes so that either makes me 1 degree scorpio or 29 degrees libra. i am non binary and i feel one of the signs dominates the other based upon if im feeling more female or male energy.
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amHow much do you believe your life is determined by the stars and such? Take a moment to consider that you, your own mind and body may be a more powerful source of self than what you are told you are supposed to be. Just something to think about friend
GuestFebruary 12, 2021 at 1:47 amYour rising sign is just your mask. Your public persona. Focus on the rest of your chart more and you’ll get a better insight.