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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing is it reverse psychology?

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    why is it when i don’t care about a spell anymore that’s when i see results? it’s like i kind of just let it free and stopped caring and that’s normally when i see results. not exactly “i don’t care” but more of “alright whatever. i still want it to happen but it’s whatever. screw it.”

    i thought wanting it and trying to manifest it made it work or made the results come faster? but apparently letting it go works too? like not NOT caring about it but like just letting the entities that helped you take over and take care of it?

  • is it reverse psychology?

  • admiralvorkraft

    November 22, 2022 at 2:25 am

    Magic is a patterning exercise – a bit like knitting. It goes much faster once you can stop focusing on the pattern and just let your hands do the work.

  • JadedOccultist

    November 22, 2022 at 2:25 am

    Sometimes when you get hung up on wanting something, you accidentally trap yourself there. You stay wanting. When you stop wanting to see results, you’ve set your magic free, and now instead of wanting, you’re in a state of openness where you can receive the thing you wanted. think of a hand, clutching for something, versus an open palm. When you fret over the results, it’s like your hand is clutched, but empty. Open your palm, stop clinging, and that’s when you can receive the thing.

  • Background_Truth_66

    November 22, 2022 at 2:25 am

    I feel like maybe thinking too much about it maybe jinxx it?? I’ve been seeing similar results too. It’s when I don’t care or forget about the spell, the results come faster. Sorry for not being of help but I’m kinda stuck too

  • Twisted_Wicket

    November 22, 2022 at 2:25 am

    In my exper continuing to focus on a spell can have 2 side effects, the first being that th energy isn’t being properly released to do its thing as stated earlier.

    The other is that if you are still focused on whether or not it’s going to work, that energy that you still haven’t fully released can pick up either doubt or a different intention if you’re questioning what you’ve initially done.

    It’s generally better to treat a spell like a fire and forget kind of thing. Be confident in your ability, and let it do its thing.

  • [deleted]

    November 22, 2022 at 2:25 am

    Cognition ties you to a specific set of causal relationships.

    Freeing yourself from causality by forgetting your magic allows the math to happen all at once and causality can go slightly the other direction because your will and observation no longer collapse it.

    Direct manifestation through intense will can work but it’s extremely fucking dangerous.

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