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Forums Forums Tarot Is there a card that can be read close by OR traveling to you.

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    I keep getting readings where reader says someone is very physically close to me but they are not. Could this mean that they are going to come to me?

  • Is there a card that can be read close by OR traveling to you.

    justerjester updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • justerjester

    February 5, 2021 at 7:13 am

    So far I’ve found: 4/W, 10/P, or even 3/C meaning “nearby” or “your city”. 3/W RX would be another card, because in this case the reversal points to plans to expand outside of ones city being halted. In that same respect, 8/SW could also point to the person being in your city, but would also indicate that this individual is desperately trying to move out.

  • Whynotthenmaybe

    February 5, 2021 at 7:13 am

    Classic travel card is 6 of swords, it actually indicates a car. Cards that include horses are movement cards too. 3 of wands means journey, travel as a plan; 8 of cups journey, travel after a loss.

    6 of cups relates to being at home, as well as 4 of wands. 3 of pentacles means home renovations sometimes.

  • justerjester

    February 5, 2021 at 7:13 am

    Ok newly revised
    Nearby or same city = 4/W, 10/P, or even 3/C
    Someone you can meet up with easily = 3/C
    Wanting to leave their city but can’t = 3/W RX
    Planning to leave current city = 3W
    Same city but desperately trying to move out = 8/SW
    Classic travel card (by car) = 6/SW
    Journey (planning?) = 3/W
    Travel after loss (escape?) = 8/C
    At home (childhood home?) = 6/C or 4/W
    Home renovations (working on “home”?) = 3/P
    Travel (definite travel) = 8/W

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