Long story short, I’ve been gifted since I was a child but didn’t realize it until relatively recently that 1) my early experiences were not universal, and 2) after a period of mostly quiet/calm, the childhood experiences became stronger and I started to experience new gifts. For the most part, I ignore the information or experiences, with the exception of energy. Can’t turn that off, despite trying. The other gifts I experience come and go, but the minute I start meditating they come on strong. Truthfully, I feel energized and fine/grounded when I’m able to meditate, and feel very in tune, but this takes space and time that I don’t have in my life right now. Currently, I’m going about my very busy day to day trying to build my education/career, shutting off what I can, but darn. I’m so exhausted! It’s like not giving in makes me feel so completely drained, like I’m dying or something- and I’m not- I’m healthy! What gives? How do I find the balance because ignoring it just makes me feel really fatigued.