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Forums Forums Astrology Lack of elements in a chart

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    How would somebody’s chart be impacted if there was a lack of a certain element in their chart? Are there any resources that you could point me to that could help to understand what somebody who has a lack of a particular element means in their chart and what it would signify?

  • Lack of elements in a chart

  • Commercial_Wing_7007

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I have:
    6 earth
    2 fire
    2 air
    1 water

    The lack of water is odd. I dont relate well to heav8ky water people, i find them annoying. Being in touch with my emotions is uncomfortable. Water transits are uncomortable and drive me litterally insane sometimes

    I have a 8H stellium that evens me out a little, though.

  • ummolay

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    Such a coincidence how we made the exact same post.

  • _____keepscrolling__

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I have 1 water outside of my midheaven, but it’s a fairly powerful placement I feel is prominent in my personality(say that 5 times fast) along with some other placements that make my emotions weird. My only water is a Scorpio mars in the first house, and I feel that placement a lot. I also have an 8th house Taurus moon which is a very intense placement for a moon along with that moon being in opposition to pluto.

    I honestly feel like while I’ve been pretty emotional and intense most of my life, I haven’t actually gotten in touch with the roots of my emotions and truly understood them and myself until I was like 24, for context I’m 25 now lol.

  • goddesskie

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I don’t have a lot of fire besides my aries Lilith but i do feel like a very passionate and at times explosive when pushed.

  • Amrick

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    My chart is 43% fire, and a little over 21% in earth and air and 14% in water, and I feel a little more lacking in that department.

    I am fiery, passionate, and energetic, but I hated socializing in school and wasn’t very comfortable in groups (although that is also from my moon in Aquarius too, probably), and I lack creativity and being artistic or musically inclined.

    I would say take a look at some of your strengths and weaknesses and things that come easy/natural to you versus things that you have to put forth more effort or purposeful thought to and see if there are any themes.

  • Saggaries

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    Have only a Jupiter in scorpio, which is my chart ruler and a NN in pisces in an air house, an aries sun in a waterhouse. I have some issues with handling emotions, when younger my mother got told I am somewhat autistic, i think it has to do with water & fire which don’t relate much.

  • startfiresintl

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    What’s interesting to me is that with an overwhelming amount of fire and air in my chart the little water and earth I have are so significant…

    The Scorpio placements can be brutal, but overall feel worth it… While the Mars in Capricorn is useful for building romantic relationships I guess, I have Saturn in Virgo in the 2nd and… With a heavy 5th house and a Sag sun it just… lol does not always work out…

  • tan_man_3

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I have many air placements, a Taurus sun, 1 water placement, and the only fire energy I have is really my Aries rising.
    Because of my overload of air energy, it was really hard until recently to tune into my fire energy that is actually a big part of me cause the rising is your persona and what others see of you.
    Like some others have said people who have more energy of that you’re missing can help you learn more about that energy I agree.
    My best friends are Leo’s so that’s where they can help my fire, and my gf is an Aquarius with a lot of water energy and helps me with that.

  • Affectionate-Rice651

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    i have no water in my chart and am mostly earth, and my bf has little to no earth and mostly water, is this good?

  • hallescomet

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I have 4 earth placements, 5 water placements, 5 air placements, and 2 fire placements. The only places the fire signs show up is in my rising (aries) and my Pluto (sag). I have a hard time “having fun” and being spontaneous. I have a lot of saturn energy in my chart too (1H Saturn Rx & 7 cap/aqua placements) which probably contributes to that a lot. I have some interesting mars energy too, with an aries rising and scorpio mars (and moon); my scorpio energy definitely shines more than my aries energy

  • smileyglitter

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    I have Uranus and Neptune in cap. Jupiter and midheaven in libra, Saturn is in Aquarius. Everything else is fire and water. People perceive me as chaotic and a little dramatic. Too look at the life I’ve created however, one wouldn’t think that. My emotions are extreme but I know that about myself enough to not act on my immediate reactions to things. My day to day isn’t the most routine weekend it comes to consistency but with the systems I have in place for myself, I’m able to accomplish what I set out to on a weekly scale. My finances were a mess for a while but my plan was to address that once I made more money, which I’ve done but it’s something that’s at the forefront of my mind and if I’m not conscientious about it, it would be a problem.

  • kiwiinacup

    September 23, 2022 at 12:36 am

    No water in my big six, only generational planets. I’m bad at explaining my emotions I’m bad at comforting people, I’m pretty cold and can only really hold a conversation if it’s something analytical. And yeah I’m autistic lmao

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