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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Lammas celebration

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    Hello witches!!

    TLDR: please share your rituals for Lammas! Love and light to you and all in the fabulous community.

    Well, this has been a long time coming. I love celebrating rituals, especially those with a pattern or seasonality. I’m coming into my favorite time of year and was reminded of the wheel of the year. I have never specifically celebrated Lammas, but was feeling drawn to it, and I’m excited to give it a try. As I started learning from other online witches (Afura Nefertiti the writing witch; and Ginny Metheral), I was provided with a very helpful reframe: instead of thinking of the celebration as a single day, think of it as a six week period. I love this idea of a gentle unfolding and not having any pressure to get things done on a specific day, but rather to slowly blossom into a new time of year.

    So as I grow in my witchy ways, I would love to invite this community into the practice. If you have any special rituals that you do or would like to do for Lammas, please share them here. If you would also like to include a word that has meaning to you, I will hold that in my heart as I practice what you are offering. Please let me know if that is not recommended. I thought it would be a safe way to include the community while remaining anonymous.

    Thank you all for the continued blessing that is being a part of such a bad ass, kind, and clever AF community. Absolutely the best place on the internet. No contest.

Reply to: imSILLYum
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