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Forums Forums Astrology Likelihood of human & alien contact with Saturn / Pluto in Aquarius? Is it possibly going to happen after 2024?

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    So, I know Saturn has entered Aquarius and I know Pluto won’t be entering Aquarius until 2024. Anyone here think that these transitions could indicate alien contact soon? Also, a lot of sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are being talked about. These sightings aren’t new, either.


    Anyway, Aquarius would be **the** sign to indicate extraterrestrials, right? And with Pluto coming into Aquarius in 2024, it puts the planet of rebirth / taboo information / big transformations in Aquarius. Even with Saturn, the planet of time / responsibility / “getting what’s been long coming” entering Aquarius recently, maybe that can suggest contact with intelligent, extraterrestrial life.


    Anyway, what are your thoughts on this? Or, what specific future transits (specific aspects / degrees) do you think could indicate that humanity will have breakthrough contact with intelligent, extraterrestrial life?

  • Likelihood of human & alien contact with Saturn / Pluto in Aquarius? Is it possibly going to happen after 2024?

    subtractionsoup updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Klaudiapotter

    February 15, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    In the U.S at least, the government is actually planning to tell us something about UFOs in June. I swear I’m not making this up- there’s a very real thing in the covid bill about disclosure in 180 days. It was in that big ass packet that got signed before anyone had a chance to read it the whole way through. That went through sometime at the end of December, I think.

    As for alien contact, I don’t know. We can’t even handle living here *without* aliens.

  • subtractionsoup

    February 15, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    I’ve wondered the exact same thing regarding Pluto entering Aquarius, but wouldn’t have dared to mention it before someone else had. The interesting thing about such a possibility would be that an alien race could be the only thing to bring humanity together and would help to dispel racism, sexism, etc. which is exactly what these Aquarius transits have potential for. Can’t wait to see what happens.

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