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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Looking for good Justice spells, possible readings on the outcome

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    I have been wronged. So much so that I am now disabled. And the blame was placed on me, despite clear evidence of abuse despite it not being physical. I want justice, and with that justice I want recompense as there has been so much harm done to me and my family as a result.

    I have a spell jar I filled with herbs I have available:
    Allspice, Rosemary, Ginger, Fennel, and Basil. I sealed it with Yellow Wax, wrote my intention and prayer on a piece of paper, lit some candles, prayed to Apollo. The candles burned bright and strong and went crazy despite there being no wind. This was done around the most recent full moon.

    I want to make sure I get the justice I deserve. For my family. For me. For my pets I had to sell just so we could pay rent and eat. For all the harm they have caused.

    I am looking for more spells and prayers. I am looking for good vibes to be sent my way. And if anyone is willing, I’m looking for some readings to see what else I need to do to make the outcome as good as possible, as well as to see what the possible outcome I have along my current path.

    As well as any possible dieties y’all suggest I pray and make offers to in return for help.

    Thank you.

  • Looking for good Justice spells, possible readings on the outcome

  • WitchOfTheWilderness

    July 6, 2021 at 5:03 am

    Brown is the colour of justice, I would carve your intention into a brown candle and incorporate that into your spell work.

  • Banemik

    July 6, 2021 at 5:03 am

    Invoke Tyr or Zeus if they fit. They’re both Justice Gods.

    Prayers and offerings to them.

  • Larelzabub

    July 6, 2021 at 5:03 am

    the Judika Illes book -the Elemental Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells – has a whole chapter on court and justice stuff that I found very helpful.

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