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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Must-have Items for Witchcraft?

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    I have been interested in the craft and have practiced casually over the past few years but I’ve been getting more in-depth with learning the foundations and history of Wicca. I’m curious as to what are considered must-haves for rituals, altars, and general spellcraft. Obviously it will vary person to person and for what things are being done but I’m curious as to what foundational items are considered must-haves to you.

    So far I have an altar, incense, sage, palo santo spray, empty corked bottles for spell jars, essential oils, colored chime candles, a selenite wand, a few other gems, shells, a tarot deck, and a grimoire and tarot journal I have started. I am planning on getting some specific herbs and tiny gems for spell jars too. Among these things I have what is needed to represent the four elements for circle casting.

    Are there any basics that would be good to add to my collection that can serve my craft?

  • Must-have Items for Witchcraft?

    SomnisTheWanderer updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 17 Replies
  • Tenzky

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    You will find what you ”need” along your way. I think what you have is already good setup for most of your future endeavours.

    Like others mentioned those items are just tool. Your intention and focus are what drives the spell. If you don’t set intention and focus on it, you will be just mixing stuff together with no result.

    Ooh get black sharpie for sigils and stuff.

  • my-little-wonton

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    The must have item is a journal. Somewhere to write what you did and how it went. Somewhere to reflect on yourself. Somewhere to write down books you want to read or information you found interesting. The most important thing in magick is learning, by tracking what worked and what didn’t!

  • nation543

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    At some point there comes a time when you debate to yourself what a must-have really IS.

    Starting out, making associations, I always liked to get shiny gems. Loves me some shinies.

  • apoxyBlues

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    Clear quartz, smokey quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst, and dragons blood incense. Lots of research materials, but stay away from raven silverwolf, and be really picky about the fairy research books you choose. Most herbs you may need are probably already in your kitchen.

  • picking_a_name_

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    Seconding the journal suggestion. Journaling has been really good for my mental health. A (preferably separate) notebook to keep track of spells, recipes, and ritual scripts is also really useful to me. I have a LOT of “toys” already. But the most common items I buy for my craft are regular arts and crafts things like air dry clay, sculpy, paint, and canvases (including mini canvases from the dollar store). As a Wiccan, look into “normal” field guides as well. The more you know about the plants and animals and rocks and weather around you (including in your kitchen), the more you can use that symbolism in your practice.

  • Void-Laughter

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    I highly suggest everyone start with what they have rather than making this big list of items to buy. There’s lots of items already in your home that can be used in your craft.

    As you go down different avenues and read up on more practices you’ll know what calls out to you and you can buy tools before use as you need them.

    As everyone is saying you don’t *need* tools in your craft. Its also a sucky feeling to buy a bunch of tools when you only really use a select few of them. Don’t rush it, soon enough you’ll realize you’ve got a bunch of stuff and in need of a bigger space for it all!

  • WyvernLord123

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    there is no such thing as a “must-have” in witchcraft. all you need is belief, if other items help you with that then use whatever you like. like, I have a letter opener nearby when I practice the craft, because I used to think it made me lucky. still do, actually.

  • 1u___u1zZz

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    Belief. Everything else is just a prop.

  • cloverviolet

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    For Wicca specifically or just general craft? Sounds like you are pretty well set up so far with basics…so it’s up to you what sorts of tools or types of magick you want to start experimenting with.

    Some other tools/items you might want… another type of divination method, such as a pendulum. Some meditation tools like prayer/mala beads, or alternative cleansing tools like a bell. A heat safe dish or bowl (cauldron) for burning herbs, etc. An altar cloth and protective bags for storing your magical tools when not in use. You didn’t mention anything for deity representions, but of course that’s up to you.. some people can spend a fortune just collecting witchy items, so don’t feel like you have to keep buying and collecting more stuff, unless a need arises. Tarot decks tend to multiply…eventually you may have a whole box full, heh.

  • lualtri

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    I think a lot of other people have mentioned this, but you’ll pick stuff up as you go along. You’ll find the type of craft that fits with you best and grow with it. For example my friend loves herbs and plants, she has an entire garden full of them, makes incense, and her craft is based around greenery. For me, I love crystals and ceremonial objects for divination, so my altar is covered in different crystals and statues/coins/etc. But as a whole, some sage, black/white candles, a wand (hand make it if you can!!), and Elemental representation is good (not just for spellcasting, they’re good to keep around your house/in each room). You seem to be pretty much there, just adding to your collection as you decide your path!

  • jholland513

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    The only hard and fast thing I’d really consider a must have item is some kind of journal and something to write in it with. It doesn’t have to be a fancy journal either. My grimoire is literally just an old spiralbound notebook with a whole bunch of other scraps of paper stuffed into it that I’ve jotted things down on over the years.

  • HearthWitchRosemary

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    While you don’t need anything, a vessel like a cauldron you can safely burn things in is very helpful. Always remember to practice good fire safety.

    Also a mortar and pestle. Pick out one you really like, mine is made of olive wood. Let’s you powder and mix ingredients well, an invaluable tool. On that note, a funnel. Helps with getting your stuff into jars with tiny mouths. You’ll waste less.

    If you’re bookish I also recommend starting a small library of reference material if you can. So much is available online but I find being able to look through a physical book and learn that way helps with retention and allows you to disconnect with the digital world a bit.

  • abbyfishy

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    these comments are super helpful! thankyou!

  • WitchOfPittsford

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    When you start out there’s this feeling of needing to get as many supplies as possible and therefore you’re now a practicing witch. As you go along, you’ll find that you need less and less ‘stuff’ and more of what you need can be found in your surroundings. You’ll start making your own supplies and these things will be far more powerful and meaningful to your craft than anything purchased at a store. As you then go further into your craft you’ll find the only thing you need is yourself.

  • GimKitty

    June 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm

    Everyone’s craft is unique. When you feel the pull or the draw to something, try it. Take it home, research it, invest your energy in it and learning it. See if it benefits you. I love crystals and tarot, but I also have a bag of runes that sits on my shelf, unused. I devoted my time to learning and felt an immediate disconnect. You will know.

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