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Forums Forums Tarot My first spread for myself. In preparation of a high stress period at work. Would love any second opinions!

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    My first spread for myself. In preparation of a high stress period at work. Would love any second opinions!

  • My first spread for myself. In preparation of a high stress period at work. Would love any second opinions!

    HouseofNineCups updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • new_thread

    February 5, 2021 at 6:30 am

    For me, nine of pentacles has a sense of stopping to see your progress–so maybe despite all the stress you’ve been dealing with, there are parts of the job that you can look at to see how far you’ve come. Maybe your progress is even related to learning to work under pressure and manage projects. In any case, I would take the nine of pentacles to mean that you should take some time this week to slow down and take note of all your hard work and feel proud of it, although you’re in a job that overall you’re unhappy about. Similar to what you said in your own comment, but I just always feel a slowing down, taking time to be proud of what you’ve already accomplished vibe with this one.

    Nine of swords definitely makes sense with the feelings of dread you have. I also always have had nine of swords come up with issues pertaining to sleep–insomnia or restless nights or even feeling like you need more and more sleep. If you’re having any recurring or particularly realistic dreams this week, I would take note of them and try to see if there’s any advice/warnings you can glean from them.

    I like to read reversals as saying that the energy of that card is present, but not fully realized yet. I think that this means that this job is an important step in your career and is helping you move towards embodying some aspects of the king of pentacles in your life. I think this indicates that if you don’t know what you want to do next pay attention to those things you find positive or that you’ve felt good about (from the nine of pentacles) and it can help lead you towards something that is more up your alley.

    I think the king of swords is telling you that now is the time to make decisions based on what seems most logical to you, rather than basing it on your emotions. I think they’re also letting you know that you are in charge, and that you are totally capable of cutting through the fog of your own anxiety to do what you need to do.

    I think this is an interesting spread because its only swords and pentacles and only nines and kings. Because you mentioned that you’re going to have the opportunity for leadership, I think the presence of the kings definitely indicates that this will have a significant impact on you, I think you need to remember that leadership is your opportunity to make change and to set your own path (although I’m sure it feels plenty limited). The king energy is strong here, so just remind yourself that you’re totally capable and you have all the skills you need for the task at hand.

    The nines signify that you’re nearing the end of a cycle, on the one hand you’re looking at your material success (pentacles) and the other, you’re reflecting on all the anxiety and sleepless nights (swords). Nines often indicate a time for reflection before the closing of the circuit of that energy, so I think it’s safe to say you will come out of this period of high stress soon, either by leaving like you’re planning or through a change in your position of work volume. This week, take time to reflect logically on this job and try to set aside your stress by focusing on the power you do have as much as you’re able when making decisions about it.

    I hope this makes sense/is helpful! I know it’s probably a little repetitive, so sorry for that. Let me know if theres anything you want me to clarify!

  • ConfusedNewGirl

    February 5, 2021 at 6:30 am

    As I’m very new at this, I’d love any second opinions on my interpretation! Would be great to see if I’m on the right track.

    Question: I did quite a general “what should I keep in mind going into next week”. I drew 3 cards (not representing anything in particular) and then the king of swords after as a clarifier card.

    My current situation: I have a high stress finance job that I’m not very happy in (I’m quite a soft sensitive person who values free time/hobbies and I’ve not found it to suit me), I’m planning to leave in autumn once I finish my contract.

    We’re entering the busiest few months of the year, involving even higher stress and huge pressure to work very long hours. I often feel very out of my depth and overwhelmed, and this year I’ll be in charge of many of my projects.

    My interpretation:

    Nine of pentacles: I took this to mean that despite the above points, I will grow from the experience and achieve things that I feel proud of.

    Nine of swords: I took this as meaning that I will likely feel like I have a lot hanging over my head and may feel a lot of anxiety and dread during this period. Although this may be a product of my own mind making things seem worse than they are in reality.

    Reversed king of pentacles: This one was a bit less clear to me. I took it to represent the fact that I feel unhappy in this job and encouragement that I’m correct to plan to leave this job and find something that suits me better.

    Clarifier card: King of swords – I took this to be encouragement to step into my upcoming leadership role and make the most of the opportunity (kind of reflecting the nine of pentacles, that I do have a chance to do something I’m proud of here, despite my general unhappiness in this role).

    Thank you very much for any comments!

    Deck is modern witch tarot by Lisa Sterle.

  • 4greentomatoes

    February 5, 2021 at 6:30 am

    What I got was that you are financially comfortable at this job but it wears on your mental health. You want freedom to do what you please, but this job hinders you. The reversed king of pentacles gives me a vibe that you are being ruled by your finances & what you’ve learned this far about money and how to acquire it. the nine of swords shows me how frustrating this battle between your mind & your money must be. If you want to get out then don’t be afraid to but don’t jump out of a window with a blindfold on. Make a plan & see what works

  • TheDeadSpeakToMe711

    February 5, 2021 at 6:30 am

    All I see is that your hard work won’t be appreciated, so you’ll have to decide what you value most- this job or your own self worth and mental health.

    I know this sounds terribly simplistic. Believe me, I have endured stressful weeks at jobs. I’m not trying to make this sound so black or white.

    I just don’t see a lot of higher ups seeing your worth here. Sometimes how much money one makes at a job overrides the little respect given.

  • HouseofNineCups

    February 5, 2021 at 6:30 am

    Wow! Your cards really could not be more perfect for your situation, and you’ve actually done quite an excellent job at interpreting your reading. I would say you’re pretty spot on, in general.

    The Nine of Pentacles also suggests that you worked quite hard to reach this point. It didn’t happen in a vacuum. This is the culmination of your long standing efforts and hard won resources- internal and external. This step is necessary to fully and finally enjoy the fruits of your labors. It will open up opportunities and lead to greater freedom, so you don’t have to find yourself in this position again. It is a card of ultimate independence- which you will experience a taste of in management before you move on to strike out on your own in a new position that better reflects your values.

    Nine of Swords- Well, you nailed that one. Anxiety. Fear of the unknown. Large self created.

    Reversed King of Pentacles- Reversed, the King of Pentacles is greedy, ungrounded, untethered, willing to make moral concessions for personal gain. He has weak boundaries. I think this last point of boundaries is very important in this particular reading for some reason. I feel this reversal is a strong message to ground yourself and establish some very firm boundaries within this new position, lest someone take advantage of you. Also, check in with yourself. Make sure that the personal cost isn’t too high. If you feel as though you are selling a piece of yourself to get the job done, you are paying too high a price.

    When I see the Reversed King of Pentacles with the King of Swords- I see a suggestion to channel your inner King of Swords if you want to make your time in this position run smoothly. It will not be easy- you’re likely a sensitive, earthy, nurturing individual, and The King of Swords relies on cool, intellectualism to navigate the professional trenches and escape unscathed. But you can do it. And it exists within you. The King of Swords is the card of the business leader. The CEO. The director. The quintessential professional. That’s what it calls out in you. Cool, intellectual, professionalism. Until the job is done.

Reply to: Jessica
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