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Forums Forums Mediums my great grandma passed around thanksgiving, and due to family issues i haven’t spoken to her in a little less than 10 years :( i heard she was talking about me in her final days. any help is appreciated

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    my great grandma passed around thanksgiving, and due to family issues i haven’t spoken to her in a little less than 10 years 🙁 i heard she was talking about me in her final days. any help is appreciated

  • my great grandma passed around thanksgiving, and due to family issues i haven’t spoken to her in a little less than 10 years :( i heard she was talking about me in her final days. any help is appreciated

    iloveandmissyou updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Icy_Paleontologist32

    February 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Bear with me, I’m still honing my ability but I’m getting that she was frustrated with something before her passing, when I tapped in I felt something in my throat and then my feet went numb if that means anything, and also that you remind her of a relative of hers, one you didn’t know personally but may have heard about, a mother or aunt of hers I can’t pinpoint, Did her first or last name start with an R? I’m seeing an R too but I don’t know what it means, sorry I hope that helps a little, I’m still new

  • iloveandmissyou

    February 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    She’s a very pretty lady. I feel possibly as a child there was a family fall out. causing family divide.
    u share a special bond. unfortunately u couldn’t enjoy because of power dynamics. U Felt torn
    loyalties. she understood but missed u terribly. Wanted to leave. Making peace with u x

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