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Forums Forums Psychic My House was a Space ship and We were about to fly to the Moon to collect materials what this dream mean?

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    it started about when I was walking into my house in Prague, it was a foggy night and it rains a little, Moon was Full but it was not visible while it was foggy, we where on a mission to fly to the moon to collect lunar materials and come back to Earth, few of the crew I never saw where about go to the lunar surface and come back and then we where about fly back to Location where we were ready to start to lift of. Then I was in my bedroom and then the Entire house part was cut off it does not produce any noise and it was not shaking, the only gravity-like force was felled while it was rotating to the opposite direction to start to gain speed, then I was running into the living room I saw that There was other my room, so we where gaining speed by teleporting into a different dimension in Ghost like version to not collide with houses, and there where other rooms but some things where placed in a different location, if this was a part of the Weird Fiction, Azathoth DreamRealm I do not know but It was like if Nyarlathotep was putting us forward with technology as it is told by people,(Nyarlathotep is not good and evil, he is a teacher and messenger, he would learn people to do good things but also the evil person to do bad things, and scientist learning to develop better technology) while we passed through the other dimensions we gained a high plane-like speed and we where flying to the east where the moon was rising while it was full, while we where in space, we collected a meteorite rocks know as a Falling stars, by the way, Moon was getting closer very fast and Earth was getting further away, it takes just few minuted to fly to the moon, we where have artificital gravity core orbs to have Earth like gravity under our house, then we where on Moon, and then dream turn into time lapse mode, we where on Earth and Dream ends and before we lift of the lunar surface, Moon gets into Earth’s shadow. What does it Mean When My House is SpaceShip in my dream? Thanks for the answers.

    [The circe is what part of the hause was spaceship](

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