So, I decided to do something interesting. This stuff I say is just purely my theory about it, but I’ve done so much thinking about it and my guides have said a bunch about it so I thought I’d put it down. So be sceptical about what I say.
I’ve been wondering and pondering over what happens after we die. I’ve heard about reincarnation and also heard about becoming a spirit. I wondered how its possible to have both? How can someone end up being a spirit instead of reincarnating and how can someone reincarnate instead of becoming a spirit. My thoughts and what my guides have told me is that after death, we are somehow given a choice, reincarnation on remaining as a spirit. I believe that there is a set time bracket for you to ease into being a spirit and recollect your physical memories before you make the decision. I also believe that there is a set time scale for you to make your decision, or you remain as a spirit. When you die, I believe you carry on your personality, memories, emotions, wants, needs, desires over to the spiritual realm. All the non-physical aspects of you over to that realm. And I believe the residual energy from your physical body is used to reincarnate if you choose to, and the reason that there is a timescale is that the energy slowly gets reused as there is no host to keep the energy. I feel that instead of going right into the spiritual realm that you actually are in a place between the spiritual and the physical. Where you can be visited by your guides and deceased love ones to ease the sting of dying.
What happens after you pick to become a spirit? Well I’ve noticed that my guides mentioned really strong confusion. A while after making the decision, they mentioned forgetting how they died, who they were, what they were doing. Basically forgetting pretty much everything, perhaps to numb the pain of dying. After a while, your memories slowly come through to you. (That’s what I think may happen). And I believe like I said before, you are visited by your guides.
I’m not sure what happens when you choose to reincarnate, I suppose that your previous feelings, emotions and etc which may just be energy, is reused by the universe, and that you slowly forget everything you knew.
This is all my thoughts on death and the afterlife. Feel free to post your ideas below, and I’m really sorry for the patchy and non-chronological layout, still groggy after waking up lol.