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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Need Help Removing a Spirit and Protecting a Family Member

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    Hi, I’ll try to keep this as concise as possible. Since we were kids a spirit has been attached to my sister and it seems to want to harm her. I’ve witnessed this spirit yelling her name and interfering with her body (don’t want to get into details as it was rather personal for her). It has followed her through many homes/apartments. She has recently moved in with me and the activity has not stopped or changed. We’re doing a smudge ceremony tomorrow with some white sage but I wanted to see if anyone had some advise on spells or anything that can help protect her/us. I also want to make sure whoever has attached themselves to my sister is able to move on peacefully. I’m still fairly new at practicing so I would really appreciate any suggestions about spells or protection.

  • Need Help Removing a Spirit and Protecting a Family Member

  • Melonby77

    July 4, 2021 at 4:48 pm

    Maybe along with your cleansing ritual you can ask whatever higher power you believe in to help you. Then get your sister to ground to the earth (like tree roots) and imagine a white light starting at her core and pushing outwards. “Cut” any grey/black cords that appear in her minds eye. Ask for continuing protection and wear a black tourmaline crystal.

  • [deleted]

    July 4, 2021 at 4:48 pm


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