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    i’m 13 and i just got my first tarot deck and i’m really interested in tarot. i’ve done a couple readings and all’s fine but i need some tips. how do i bond with my cards? i see people connecting with them and i don’t know how to. i sleep with them under my pillow but idk what else to do. any other tips for beginners would be appreciated

  • Need Some Help

    earthilluminated updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • lilbunnikins

    February 7, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    I’m going to be candid here. ???? Much of what is written or spoken about how to “bond” with a tarot or oracle deck is superstitious nonsense. Sleeping with it under your pillow might make you feel as if you’re doing something “spiritually enlightening” but think about this. How effective is sleeping with a clock under your pillow? Will it help you to learn how to tell time? ????

    The best thing you can do that is *practical* and helpful to you is to keep a tarot diary. Write down your readings and also limit your readings – doing too many can make things confusing.

    Pull one card a day and with your diary handy, write down (hand writing to me is better than typing out a reading but do whatever is more comfortable for you) what you see in the card and what feeling it gives you. See how this card plays out for you throughout the day and record any situations that mirror what the card indicated to you at the end of the day. Working with the cards is your best bet for connecting with your deck. Best of luck! ????

    p.s. What deck are you working with?

  • flowermonstress

    February 7, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    I am still on my first deck, so that “bonding” was paired with “learning the cards”. Mostly, I just idly shuffled the cards around while doing mildly mindless stuff like hearing music, or watching videos. After some learning (going through the cards, and through a book with all the meanings) I also sorted the cards by “love”, “meh” and “hate” – I absolutely have favorites both “positive”(Empress, Moon, Two of Cups) and “negative” (8 to 10 of swords), and intimate hate relationships with some cards (staring at you, King of wands lizard bloke!).

    With that, I also learned tendencies in myself that influence my interpretations – which in turn is also due to the way the deck is designed (Ethereal Visions by Matt Hughes, close to RWS, but more Art Nouveau and dreamy/shiny).

    So, this is a bit of communication between the deck and me. Some introspection on *why* I like or dislike a card also tells me about myself, and ideally, if some day doing the cards for someone else, I need to be aware of the traps I might fall into.

  • HappyHope985

    February 7, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    When I first got my first tarot deck, I used to take rm out and shuffle just to shuffle, I would carry em in a purse/bag and take em with to places. I looked up “getting to know you deck” spreads. And use em as much as I can even if I didn’t know wth I was doing. Haha.

  • earthilluminated

    February 7, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    Just do some readings. You bond with your deck by receiving messages from it. The more you get, the more you will learn its language and personality ☺️

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