JessicaParticipantNew Insight Spread
GuestJanuary 30, 2021 at 11:21 amOoh, I like this spread (both the spread itself and the cards you’ve drawn). So we have 1 for the way you’re feeling or showing up in the world right now. 2 and 3 for positive things that you’re in some way blind to (either because you don’t recognize it in 2, or because it’s in the future in 3). And 4 and 5 for not so positive things that you’re also blind to.
1 – Close your eyes for a second, and imagine yourself in the position of the 8 of swords. Your eyes are blindfolded (which is so on point for this spread) and you’re *feeling* trapped. But now you notice, you’re not actually trapped (notice her feet aren’t bound). But you are confused and uncertain, and obviously a bit concerned about moving in the wrong direction (what if you cut your feet!).
4 and 5- let’s jump to the negative cards. The Hanged Man often means you can’t move. But here, it’s in a position that’s about how you’re acting, not how reality is. So you’re acting like you can’t move forward, but you can. See the connection with the 8 of swords again? She only thinks she’s trapped.
And that 4 of swords – you’re right, in another spread it could very well be advice to rest. But here it’s something that you feel you ought to do, but maybe it’s not the right strategy here. Or maybe you have a challenge to rebalance the amount of rest and action happening in your life right now. Again, let’s go back to 8 of swords. She thinks the safest thing to do is to stay stock still, and away from the swords at her feet. But that just means she’s trapped – not by the swords, but by her decision not to move. This spread is suggesting that staying still (which is another kind of resting, except that it may not feel that restful here) isn’t working for you right now.
So putting 1, 4 and 5 together – you feel trapped, and your instinct is to freeze.
Now let’s look at 2 and 3 – The spread description for 2 sounds like a reversal – a power that you can’t see. The fact that Star actually is reversed here seems to put a little extra emphasis on the idea that this might be a blindspot right now. Star is all about relaxing. Star’s mantra might be something like “everything is already ok.” So your power here might be to find or create some ease. Look at the 8 of swords again. The figure in the 8 of swords can actually just walk forward, but she can’t see it. Maybe this is a suggestion that the solution to feeling trapped is actually something ludicrously easy.
3 – I like your interpretation here. The idea of a breakthrough that might come soon is an especially good fit. Once the 8 of swords realizes she can just start walking, that could free up a bunch of new energy and enthusiasm (ace of wands).
GuestJanuary 30, 2021 at 11:21 amI used this [New Insight Spread](https://imgur.com/a/T3f1KSW) to gain some clarity on my current situation. I wanted to reach into my subconscious to understand myself better, because I’ve got a lot going on and I’m really not sure if this is the path I’m supposed to be on, or if this path I’m looking at is shorter than it seems. This year is big for me, I’m getting married and I’m finishing my masters. I should be super excited but for some reason I feel like a tiny part of me is nagging or hesitating. Hence, this spread.
1. Describes the querent.
2. A power they don’t realize they have.
3. A pleasant surprise soon to come into their life.
4. Something they are doing that they don’t realize is setting them back.
5. Negative energy or intent that is following them in secret.My interpretation:
1. The Eight of Swords – I’m feeling hopeless, like I have given up my ability to make my own decisions. I’m just going with the flow, but in a victimized way, not a powerful way.
2. The Star (reversed) – I’m not sure how this is a power, but again the hopelessness. This card may be telling me to stand up and take back the power in me?
3. Ace of Wands – willpower, or a breakthrough moment in my life will come soon. This card showed up in a reading I did for myself yesterday.
4. The Hanged Man – I am just waiting. I am being indecisive and just going with the flow.
5. The Four of Swords – This one really stumped me. The card means I need to rest but is the “rest” what I am doing right now, and I need to get moving again? This card also showed up in the reading I did yesterday, in a future position.All of this seems to mean that I need to *do* something about my situation. I can’t just keep hoping for the best and going with the flow if I’m secretly unhappy about it. I think a lot of this has to do with my job and the masters I am working towards for it. I think I can still use my masters, but need to pivot to a more fulfilling job than the one I have now.
I used the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. I’m open to second opinions!