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Forums Forums Mediums Newbie question: How to handle fears

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    Hey friendos! I’m feeling strongly drawn to learn/do trance mediumship. I love the idea of channeling star beings/ascended masters/angels. I also want to help embodied people more directly, and i know a lot of them could benefit greatly from hearing from their guides & crossed-over loved ones.

    I was raised in a conservative christian home, and even though i’ve undone tons of that brainwashing, i think i’m still real nervous about spiritual contamination, i.e. letting my guard down so DMEONS CAN EAT ME 👻. Like, i trust higher vibrational beings to not fuck me up, but i can’t guarantee that crossed-over people are in a good place, and i often have enough of a wild time keeping my energy clear from the embodied people around me. so some protector parts are scared at the thought of opening up.

    I almost feel guilty about this mindset, like i’m being prejudiced or unkind somehow, but i guess this is where i’m at on my learning journey. Have any of y’all walked this particular path? i’d greatly appreciate your insight! 🙏🌱

  • Newbie question: How to handle fears

    sengslauwal updated 3 years, 9 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • kathy8675309

    May 12, 2021 at 3:26 am

    I am not sure if you can learn trance mediumship? I am a trance medium but not that I did anything to bring it on, it just kind of hit me like a ton of bricks, I seen that my daughter was a trance medium just by the way she acted, and I didn’t realize I was one until I went into the zone bad, and then I put two and two together, you might be able to look up some sites about it,I imagine they will tell you to try and relax and breathe etc..

  • sengslauwal

    May 12, 2021 at 3:26 am

    Start very slow. No matter what you’ll be afraid until you get used to it. Do dark room meditations, “meet” your spirit guides, honor your ancestors, contact your higher self. There’s plenty of ways to get used to interacting with spirits. The more you dive into this the more you’ll experience things, you’ll need to control your emotions and confront your spiritual encounters. Dont ever let anyone tell you what you can’t do. Trance mediumship can be studied and mastered.

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