Hey friendos! I’m feeling strongly drawn to learn/do trance mediumship. I love the idea of channeling star beings/ascended masters/angels. I also want to help embodied people more directly, and i know a lot of them could benefit greatly from hearing from their guides & crossed-over loved ones.
I was raised in a conservative christian home, and even though i’ve undone tons of that brainwashing, i think i’m still real nervous about spiritual contamination, i.e. letting my guard down so DMEONS CAN EAT ME 👻. Like, i trust higher vibrational beings to not fuck me up, but i can’t guarantee that crossed-over people are in a good place, and i often have enough of a wild time keeping my energy clear from the embodied people around me. so some protector parts are scared at the thought of opening up.
I almost feel guilty about this mindset, like i’m being prejudiced or unkind somehow, but i guess this is where i’m at on my learning journey. Have any of y’all walked this particular path? i’d greatly appreciate your insight! 🙏🌱