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Forums Forums Psychic Newbie reader here. How to start reading others?

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    Where do I start?

  • Newbie reader here. How to start reading others?

    etherealjac updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • Emergency_Boot_6432

    January 29, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Hi Mrs-Moonlight-Witch! Keeping up the – in your name. Get rid of the infj because mrs-moonlight-witch identified as that also. Running out of names? Just give up already

  • thedevilsreversed

    January 29, 2021 at 10:54 am

    we know who you are, this is seriously infuriating at this point.

  • universalbutterfly1

    January 29, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Usually you can start with tarot cards or try to intuitively read someone (not cold read)

    With tarot cards, you can start practice with close friends or family members until you get really comfortable with yourself

  • Aesclepius713

    January 29, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Start with finding your “reading” style. Some people are better with current/emotional readings, like an empath, medium, true palmist (hit me up for info on that). Others are better with divinatory skills like Tarot or Scrying.

    I always suggest someone from 0 start with broad research and personal practice/exploration. You’ll undoubtedly already be drawn to one or more styles. The broad research allows you know what you’re looking into matches your views of it from before. Like Palmistry. Palmistry doesn’t show you anything about the future, unlike it’s advertisements/preconceptions to do so. From there, try a book from a “professional” or very-well-known practitioner (who doesn’t do it for money, preferably. This ensures they are more likely to be unbiased and honest).

    Once you have the basics down, you can start with your friends! They are good because you already know them and it may help you put pieces together during your readings. Otherwise, you can use friends-of-friends who are over to visit and game for you trying with them. They can give you feedback on the validity, from which you can hone your skins further. At the beginning you’re *going* to be wrong sometimes, if not frequently. We misinterpret readings all the time, but practice makes *permanent*, so knowing when you’re right and wrong allows you to practice/learn more effectively.

  • etherealjac

    January 29, 2021 at 10:54 am

    Get an oracle card deck or a tarot deck (oracle card is more beginner friendly). Do a 3 card spread. Feel into the cards and see if they tell a story about the person you’re reading for. See if any symbolism sticks out on the cards (ex. Butterflies sticking out could mean transformation is coming or the person is going through a transformation).

    Practice and repeat!✨

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