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Forums Forums Tarot Nine of Pentacles?

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    So…I was doing my daily read and I pulled 7 of cups with the clarifying card of 9 of pentacles.
    I’m understanding 7 of cups as opportunities and choices but to be careful of illusions or the ego pulling in the wrong direction. The 9 of pentacles I’m less sure about. I think it usually refers to financial stability and abundance or treating yourself. The idea of doing well financially. But considering I just lost my job last week and I certainly do not currently have income I’m a little confused on how to interpret this.

    My best guess is the idea of financial and job choices opening up in the future? But I’m still learning my decks minor arcana so I’m not confident in my interpretation. Thank you for any help!!

    (Also I tried to read through rules before posting but let me know if I should’ve posted differently)

  • Nine of Pentacles?

    emab2396 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Zombieinyourhead

    February 7, 2021 at 7:15 pm

    Pentacles can refer to a lot of things beyond money: safety, security, and stability; hard work and its rewards; your home; your body; traditions; nature; practical, reliable people; what grounds you.

    The Nine of Pentacles here can refer to finding abundance or gratitude outside of your financial situation. Have you been seeing the rewards of working hard at something? Does your home/family life bring you peace and make you feel connected? Have you been outside lately?

    If I were going to read the cards together for you, I would probably read them as, “Things are hard for you right now, so it can be tempting to get caught up in illusions and dreams. Look instead to the good things you have in front of you and those will keep you grounded.”

  • emab2396

    February 7, 2021 at 7:15 pm

    I think it can be about day dreaming vs doing somethinf about it. 9 pf pentacles could suggest it’s the finances that was about, but it can be something else. Anyway, the message you should probably focus on is that you need to act and be cosistent, not just hope and think of it. Also, sometimes 7 cups speaks about having many oportunities, so you may have many oportunities to get back on track with your career

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