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Forums Forums Mediums No dreams of my mum which has left me wondering

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    Hi first post here just looking for some insight. I’m very receptive to spirits and have lived in places that were quite active with paranormal happenings. Now last year in May my mother died suddenly on a Monday morning while I was at work. It hit hard so very hard because we were so close and yet I find it so confusing that I’ve not dreamt of her or had a visitation. It’s like my subconscious mind moved with the fact she was gone and adjusted as such. Is there any reason I’ve not seen or dreamt of her?

  • No dreams of my mum which has left me wondering

    Wanderer701 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 7 Replies
  • paranormalgemini

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    I am so very sorry for your loss. My mom passed in 2009, and to date, I’ve only had 3 dreams of her. I do have some spiritual gifts, that came from her I believe – she was sensitive – but it was still about seven years before I got to “feel” her. Try to be patient. And talk to her. 🙂 She’ll come to you when it’s the right time.
    – Edited to add a word I left out.

  • ZealousidealGain5244

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    Maybe she thinks that it would be too painful for you right now?

    Maybe she will come when she feels that you are ready?

    I might not have the answer you might want, I apologize.

    I am sorry for your loss

  • theliminalwitch

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    I heard recently that if our loved ones do not visit us immediately it could be because they themselves are still coping with the fact they are newly a spirit. Once they sort themselves out and can come to you in love, and peace they will come to you.

    They were comforting words to me, for sure at least as I still wait for a visit from my grandpa who passed.

    I’m sorry to hear you haven’t had a visit from your mother yet. Perhaps now she will know you are ready?

    I wish you nothing but peace ❤️

  • 1Babayaga1

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    Very good question. I went through the same thing. Mom passed in 2004.

    Not sure about sharing more… Your post is either coincidence or synchronicity.

    I went through a long period when I didn’t dream about my mom.

    Yesterday was a tough day. On the drive home, I called out to my mom “I love you” (in my head, not out loud).

    Got home, ate, watched some TV, went to bed.

    Woke up this morning happy because I had a dream I was talking to my mom. Having a discussion. Couldn’t remember details. Just woke up happy.

    My suggestion: Call out to your mom.

    Side note: Also had a dream I was flying. My sister said it was astral flying.

  • Frequent_Asparagus29

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    feeling the same about my aunt – i think she might be waiting until im ready or perhaps i want it too much.

  • notyourbish_5264

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    My dad passed in 2010 and I have had one dream of him I am filled with questions and in the dream he was playing guitar and he kept waving me away. I’ve never understood the meaning of it yet when I am about to encounter some strife in life I see him and my guardians ie: my grandparents and an aunt i was very fond of. So there is no rhyme or reason your heart misses them deeply when you least expect it. Sorry im of no help but I understand your situation.

  • Wanderer701

    February 12, 2021 at 9:24 pm

    Your dreams are based on portions of your self and not entirely others.

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