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    About a decade ago, I was at the peak of my witchcraft career. I was leading a coven, so busy that I needed a datebook, teaching workshops and attending gatherings.
    All of that slowly unraveled. I find myself completely alone. I am basically shunned by my religious community and that was my family and friends. People that I loved, turned on me. People that I thought loved me.
    Today I am struggling bad. No one to talk to, none of my kind. Feeling unworthy and wondering why the gods keep testing me.

  • Not worthy

    surethereal updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 8 Replies
  • trashaccount0976

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    I’m sorry this is happening 🙁 sometimes you need to be broken down to see something your missing. I hope it gets better! Don’t give up!

  • ilaissezfaire

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Aww, maybe the universe took everyone away because you need to take that shit on the road or something.

    *big hugs* nobody in ny family has ever understood me. Literally went 6 years without talking to anyone I was related to.

    The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

  • AmieLucy

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Sometimes you need to lose everything to reach an even higher peak of ascension.

    It is completely okay to grow out, and let go of, your old spiritual community. We are all on different paths, even when we’re all moving in spiritual progression.

    Good luck, My Friend. <3

  • Queenshiz

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    I’m sorry you’re feeling isolated, that’s always super hard.

    Try to be nice to yourself and show up for yourself! Do some self care and spell work focused around you and your general well being.

    Everything I say here including the above is *much easier said than done*. Don’t get down on yourself, treat yourself with kindness and know that simply *trying* is good enough. Celebrate small success.

    Practice forgiveness to those who have hurt you – the goal is to absolve yourself of giving a fuck about them. Forgiveness is an act of self care. Work on forgiving yourself for anything you might be carrying with you.

    Funny thing about life is it’s always going to knock you on your ass again. You’re being tested because you’re here to learn and grow! Important lessons are not usually easy ones, and if we knew all the answers what would be the point? Unfortunately suffering is just a part of life on this earth.

    Also, fuck! Of course it’s been hard to connect, socialize, gather, meet people etc.! It’s a pandemic! Don’t forget that much of this loneliness you’re feeling doesn’t have anything to do with you – you simply *haven’t* been able meet anyone. It doesn’t mean you’re not worthy. It just means this pandemic sucks ass. Go easy on yourself! Focus on what you can control and be nice to yourself. 🙂

  • External_Muffin222

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    I am sorry you are feeling this way.

    Sometimes I need to look outside of craft when I feel this way, because our craft seems to always have a reason where our lives sometimes just don’t.

    I think there is a lot of strength and power and experience you will find in picking yourself up, starting anew, and recognizing that the only thing that can stop you is yourself. People are flawed and people will abandon, but you will always have yourself and your own power. And you can attract more people like you. Do some research on communities and start all over, maybe you’ll find even better!

  • ChaoticNeutralGods

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    Did you ever get an explination on why you were being shunned?

  • cloverviolet

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    I’m feeling the same right now, alone, isolated, no community, etc. I think the whole last year with the covid lockdowns hasn’t helped either, because its just been tough trying to make new connections…even though things are starting to open up, I don’t where to look for likeminded people anymore. Local groups and businesses I used to frequent all shut down and went out of business because they couldn’t afford rents during the lockdowns. I definitely have this feeling my local community being hollowed out. No classes, no workshops. I feel the loss.
    I don’t know, I don’t know your situation or have any advice really, other than to just say I feel it too.

  • surethereal

    June 17, 2021 at 11:07 am

    People with many friends are able to sync on many more issues with others. Those with less or no friends cannot sync on any issue. Its something you can sense easily. If you find many opposing view points in any conversation, just leave. There is no need to argue or enforce your point of view.

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