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Forums Forums Tarot Occult Tarot (I think it’s a little too powerful for me)

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    I just got my Occult Tarot deck yesterday iirc.

    After getting to know it (the getting-to-know spread) and doing my first readings with it, I think I have to put it aside until I’m a little… calmer? I could feel that familiar “dizzy” feeling I got when I did a tarot reading for the first time in my life. I also think that my preference to use it like I would any other tarot card deck instead of summoning demons along with doing readings with it also has something to do with that kinda unpleasant sensation.

    I’m already agnostic and yet I am still that strongly affected by the fact that the deck features demons and that it’s supposed to be used for demon summons, LOL.

  • Occult Tarot (I think it’s a little too powerful for me)

     mdonitashadows updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • FlamingPhoenix24

    January 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    I think it’s odd you are getting so much pushback for your post. I think it is commendable that you are being aware and honest about your experience and deciding to take a break rather than just put it away forever because it didn’t work for you immediately. I saw in a comment you said you picked the deck for shadow work. This is an excellent deck for that, largely because demons are amazing help with shadow work. The popular thing seems to be to work with demons for material manifestation and angels for personal growth, but I’ve had the best results doing the opposite. Demons are “closer” to the shadow than our conscious ego and many other spirits. If you approach them properly, they are more than happy to bluntly expose your repressed aspects and push you to integrate them.

    Perhaps when your break is done, try to ease yourself back in by drawing a random card with your question in mind and use the card as a meditation focus instead of doing a full reading. Take note of any thoughts, feelings, or images that arise. You can even do a reading on the question with a more traditional deck after looking for commonalities. Journal the experience so you can refer back to it later. After doing this a few times, you may have a better time using this deck for full readings.

  • CozyWitch_Tarot

    January 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    I think you’re just letting you’re expectations and fears get the best of you. Tarot is not something evil, nor has it really ever been, Tarot cards and the practice of Tarot are nothing more than a tool to allow oneself to connect with their intuition and subconscious.

    If the deck doesn’t feel right for you, then return it if at all possible, if not just stop using it and perhaps find a different deck that resonates with you better.

    I’m a Norse Pagan, and while doing my research and asking around many people told me to start with the basic Rider Waite Smith deck… However While researching I found the Runic Tarot Deck which resonated with me far more then the RWS deck.

    It’s a deck thats themed around the norse pantheon, and combines Tarot with Runes. When I use the Runic Tarot deck I feel a warm, calming energy one that often makes me feel as if I’m connecting with the Norse gods.

    Also perhaps you can try showing the deck that you come with respect and no ill intent. Whenever you touch or use the deck, just talk to it, introduce yourself to it, say things like “I come to you with an open mind and open heart, I mean no ill will towards you.” And whenever you do a reading be sure to say “Thank You.”

    I find that if you show a deck respect, it’ll show respect to you as well.

    I have a question however, why would you specifically choose a deck that’s meant to be used as a tool to summon demons, and expect it to have a positive energy to it? Sounds like perhaps the deck just isnt for you nor is it resonating with your desires and intentions and that the best option would be to search out a new deck, and control your fears and emotions.

    Finally, there is nothing evil about Tarot or Tarot cards the only way either could be evil is if the user behind them are having negative or evil intentions. Even the most positive of things can be used for evil if the intention is there.

  • RamenNewdles

    January 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    How can you be agnostic yet believe the demons are strongly affecting your readings? Please clarify

    edit: spelling

  • GlitterCookies

    January 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    I have felt that with certain decks and just play with it. Shuffle them over and over, look at a card if it sticks out to you, but just play with the cards until y’all both get used to each others energy. Have fun with the cards and then ask to do a serious reading later.

  • ADCarter1

    January 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    To me, it’s not a question of demons or black magic or evil.

    If you’re uncomfortable with the deck, return it if you can and if you can’t, don’t use it. If you can gift it to someone and explain why you’re gifting it to them, do that.

    My reasoning would be that the deck doesn’t work for me and it’ll never accurately communicate with me. You and the deck don’t get along. Period. That alone is enough to stop using it.

    Just as we aren’t meant for everyone, every deck isn’t meant for us either. The ones that are will resonate and the ones that aren’t won’t.

  • narcissussmokes

    January 24, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    How can you actually know if a deck is too powerfull for somebody? I m genuinely asking bc i just got a new oracle as a gift but i don t feel the connection between me and the cards.

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