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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Other viewpoints/beliefs and spell timing advice?

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    How do you guys follow on timing spells?

    Backstory, my sister and I (long distance between us) practice. Both of us have been closed. Due to personal issues, I'm not very well practiced. My sister – I have no idea. she recently told us and she lives very far. My mom has been dabbling in the belief after she finds out that two of three kids are witches. I live and care for my elderly mother.

    My belief is to work with nature and what it has to offer. I do spells when I need to, but I try not to ask to much of the universe around me. If I feel the need or calling to do something, I do it. I put intention and thought into it.

    My mom and I recently developed some serious money issues, so I tried to do a money bowl and put all the typical stuff. It was basic really. The next day, my mom oddly got her paycheck two days earlier then she is suppose it. Happy that it seemed to have worked, i told my sister. In which all I got was scolded for not doing it on the first of the month or a full moon.

    While I understand that the moon is important, but it always seemed for of an asset, not a requirement. I'm having issues now and I personally felt it was important to do it then (I did it on Sunday). What is everyone else's ideas? How do you deal with people being pushy like that? I always believed the right time to do a spell was when I felt the need to do one. Does my lack of working with the moon make me less of a witch or something?

Reply to: Coyote-Howl
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