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Forums Forums Tarot Personal Favorite Tarot Books/Resources?

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    Hi all!

    I have been reading tarot on and off for about a year or so, and when I did I would always just google what the cards meant, and had trouble creating a cohesive story for all of them. Recently I have become more passionate about learning and interpreting the cards, and have thrown myself head first into the rabbit hole to find good books/resources to help me learn!

    I did look through the beginner section of this reddit, and I do actually have some of the books! Others I didn’t really connect with when flipping through at a bookstore. I’m wondering if anyone has any personal faves that they feel changed their tarot journey and are potentially good for a beginner. I currently feel lost with different books listing different meanings, feel overwhelmed, and am hoping for some guidance.

    The current books I have include:

    Kitchen Table Tarot- Loved the whole take on the fools journey, however notice some different interpretations of the cards from other sources

    Everyday Tarot by Biddy Tarot- I was hopeful for this book to help me learn tarot intuitively, however it focuses more than half the book on using tarot to set goals which is fine, but not really helpful for a beginner (also she boasts about setting and meeting her goals of making X amount of money per year which seemed like bragging…)

    Understanding Tarot by Liz Dean- I haven’t gotten completely through this… the first half was very heavy on the history and symbolism and I felt overwhelmed…

    A Little Bit of Tarot- by Cassandra Eason- Started reading this recently, it’s pocket sized and has bite size information. Not tons but I like how it’s written and easy to understand.


    I have been pulling a card a day to get a sense of the general energy of my day, and have been interpreting the pictures meaning and then looking up some keywords, so that is hopefully a step in the right direction!!

  • Personal Favorite Tarot Books/Resources?

    mollyleejames updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • Dorsidh

    February 9, 2021 at 9:25 am

    When I first started reading, “by the book” was pretty much the only way one read Tarot. The book that started to change the way I read was *A Magical Course in Tarot* by Michele Morgan (2002, Conari Press). It was my first introduction to reading intuitively.

  • StonedChaote

    February 9, 2021 at 9:25 am

    Holistic Tarot is an absolute tome and I use it a lot.

  • l3rambi

    February 9, 2021 at 9:25 am

    Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea.

    She’s so great. Cuts to the core concepts of each card and isn’t afraid to put it to you straight. (The first card I looked up was 4 of Cups and she basically said you’re spinning your hamster wheel and it’s time to get your head out of your arse and oh my gosh I actually really needed to hear that.)

    She’s also bi if I remember right (mentions a male ex at some point bc she references ways these cards have come up in her own life sometimes) and I appreciate when an author shares a bit of themselves, personally. But I mention this because you won’t find any weird anti-LGBT stuff in there or anything.

    My other favorite thing about this book, though, is that there are a few simple spells for each card, to either bring its energy to you, or to break its energy and move past it.

    The book rocks. I get it for everyone I know who decides to get into tarot. ????

  • nishrax

    February 9, 2021 at 9:25 am

    Tarot and the Archetypal Journey – the Jungian Path from Darkness and Light by Sallie Nichols

  • mollyleejames

    February 9, 2021 at 9:25 am

    look up dusty whites books

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