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Forums Forums Astrology Pisces’ and Capricorns. Match made in hell?

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    So, I’m a pisces sun, and for some reason I have only ever seriously dated Capricorn Men. Can any other pisces agree or disagree that our dynamics are an absolute shit show? Of course it can be passionate and romantic because both signs have those traits when it comes to those we love, but after a while do you find that it becomes toxic, draining, and the capricorn always ends up doing fine in the end because they’ve taken every last ounce of your energy from you?

    I kinda have a theory that because they’re earth and we are water, we help them grow and develop as lovers or people in general, but when things hit the fan we end up completely drained and they can get back up on their feet a lot faster using all the things YOU taught them?

  • Pisces’ and Capricorns. Match made in hell?

    MermaidTarot updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • SherlockAndB

    February 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    I’m a Pisces sun, Capricorn rising, and Scorpio moon, so sometimes just being by myself is too much lol

    But in all seriousness, my ex is a Capricorn sun. He was just so stuck and didn’t do much growing/growing up in the 5.5 years we were together. He was emotionally abusive, made me feel stifled and like I wasn’t allowed to grow or change as a person, and didn’t do anything for me unless he was forced or asked to. Case in point – he never once did anything for me for Valentine’s Day or our anniversary and actually got upset with me when I was bummed out about it. When I broke up with him, he asked what he could do to fix things and blah blah blah, acting like he was completely blindsided as if I hadn’t given him over 5 years to get his shit together.

    Now, I’m getting married to a Taurus sun (Sag rising, Gemini moon) and this man is truly my soul mate and best friend. Never once have I felt like I need to be something or someone I’m not, or hold myself back, in order to be loved by him. Since meeting him, I’ve learned to love and value myself because he allows me to be free and flow (like the little fish that I am) and just be ME. It’s pretty dope lol

    ETA: my fiancé’s ex is also a Capricorn lol. She was quite selfish and was more concerned about what she thought he should be doing for her. For example, her dream was to become a DC socialite (we live in the “suburbs” of Washington D.C.) and felt like he should be the breadwinner and be able to financially take care of her. She made him take photos of her/of the two of them to post on social media – basically tried to turn him into an Instagram husband. She once, for their 3 month anniversary lol, gave him a photo of herself in a frame that she made out of his own guitar picks; when he told me that (and I saw the photo on social to back it up) I was dumbfounded as to how that could be considered a gift to someone. Like how do you take your boyfriend’s shit to make an ugly picture frame, don’t tell him what you’re taking the stuff for, and then put your photo in it and be like “look how much I love you” when it’s clear that you’re just that self absorbed!? Hahah he was actually shocked when we started dating and I was fully supportive of him focusing on education vs going back to work after losing his job. He actually said to me “you’re not selfish at all…” as if I were some crazy unicorn woman he’s only ever read about. Like no dude, I’m not, because I love you and all relationships are about compromise and being supportive of each other. But that’s why we’re marrying each other and not our shitty Capricorn exes ????

  • LagoPacifico

    February 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    My partner is a Pisces and I’m a Capricorn, and I’d have to say that we have an excellent relationship!

    We’re both very sweet and affectionate toward one another, and we do plenty of adventuring together! I have the emotional intelligence and patience to deal with her emotions when she feels sad or upset, and she has enough compassion to deal with my self doubt and cynicism.

    We’re always there to support each other and love each other unconditionally, and our love runs deep. I wouldn’t give her up for the world!

  • yinay727

    February 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Pisces in general are prone to being very self-sacrificing, with everyone regardless of sign.

    The Capricorn sign is not known for being passionate or romantic – just the opposite, in fact. A person with Capricorn sun may have other planets that bring that energy – Venus in Scorpio for example. Maybe this is what you’ve experienced.

    It’s great that you have your own personal theories about the two signs being a shitshow. As a Capricorn with a Pisces sister, I don’t personally resonate with your theory.

    Astrologers view water and earth signs as sextile, which is a moderately beneficial connection, and this seems to be a more accurate description. Mostly she gives me advice on emotional things and I give her advice on practical things. It’s not bad but we’re not super helpful to each other because we have different priorities.

    The challenging parts of our relationship are caused by her Saturn in Libra squaring my Capricorn sun, so she can be critical of me. Also my Sagittarius moon squares her Pisces sun.

    I hope that helps to explain a bit about how astrologers analyze relationships.

  • ruledbypluto

    February 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    i think that if you are constantly attracting certain signs into your life that you have challenging relationships with, there’s something that needs to be healed there for both parties that can only happen within those relationships.

  • MermaidTarot

    February 7, 2021 at 10:02 pm

    I (cancer rising) love a Capricorn man and it is emotionally draining, because it’s like loving a wall. I paint my heart on it every day, just to watch it being washed away by the rain. I don’t think the wall even notices the paint or the rain.

    I know it’s my choice to love him and paint that heart, just as it’s my choice to walk away anytime. I must admit, it would be lovely to be/feel loved back sometimes, but It is what if is.

    I just try to love myself hard enough for both of us, but it’s draning. I’m not a martyr – through this relationship I have learned to find me and get closer to where I need to be spiritually. It’s definitely not an ego- feeding love, that’s for sure and it’s not easy.

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