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Forums Forums Mediums Please bear with me…what happens if you don’t believe in God or pray? I see a lot of posts of people praying or praying to archangels…what if you don’t believe in any of that?

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    Please bear with me…what happens if you don’t believe in God or pray? I see a lot of posts of people praying or praying to archangels…what if you don’t believe in any of that? I’m Muslim and recently my mom passed away and it’s making me question EVERYTHING about religion, god/Allah. I was never that religious to begin with however my parents are/were. I guess just wondering what everyone’s opinion is or personal belief. I hope I don’t offend anyone by asking… thanks!!

  • Please bear with me…what happens if you don’t believe in God or pray? I see a lot of posts of people praying or praying to archangels…what if you don’t believe in any of that?

    clipclopthezebra updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 11 Replies
  • rvadom

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    A reminder that prayer does not belong to religion, it is our birthright to communicate with the Universe.

    Prayer is talking, meditation is listening. Both are useful in conversation.

    “When you pray, pray in silence for the divine already knows what you need before you ask.”-Kahlil Gibran

  • UnsaltedButterfly

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    Source energy or creator maybe? That’s what intellectuals usually fall back on until something blows their mind straight into their heart ☺️
    Another good one is yourself! Love yourself like one would god or Jesus ????

  • builtbybama_rolltide

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    My granny told me it didn’t matter what you believed in as long as you believed in something. That being a good person was more important that what God/ Allah/ angel etc you believed in. In the end as human beings we needed to just be good to one another and treat others with kindness and compassion. That if we wanted good in the world we had to spread goodness ourselves. It’s something that stuck with me.

    I believe in God personally but I don’t go to church. I also don’t judge others on their beliefs. I think that all religions have truth in them and are all right in some ways, just like all are wrong in other ways. I feel like if we are willing to open our minds to others and their beliefs we can learn something and be a better person. In the end, we need more love in the world and less judgement. I don’t think it matters in the least about what higher power you believe in as long as you treat everyone the way you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes

  • udeservetheloveugive

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    In my opinion, you don’t HAVE TO believe in anything or pray.
    Religions are great in a way of that it teaches you virtue,compassion, love and kindness towards others and yourself.

    It doesn’t matter if you are super religious and goes to church every Sunday, if you don’t value its teachings and you start to pick out whatever the convenient interpretation for you and use that to justify your wrongdoings.

    To me, when you place more value on the existence of god before its teaching/messages of love, then people become blinded.
    Use it as a guidance, rather than become consumed.
    When you believe in something wholeheartedly, your views become biased.

    Oh yeah, I do believe in positive and negative balance , not too sure exactly how it’s said in English, yin and yang, Karma, etc.
    Treating others and yourself with love and kindness.
    There are other things I believe in because of how I grew up, etc.
    But the bottom line is, try to be and do your best that you can, everything will be okay.
    No need to be super religious.
    If the god would punish you just because you chose not to believe in god, but you lived as a good person and tried your best, then that god is not worth being worshipped.

  • Ande64

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    I was never religious and still don’t consider myself religious and I don’t believe in a centralized God. I believe that the spiritual plane is full of different levels of spirits but I honestly don’t believe there is a central figure head that controls all of it. That being said, it’s never stopped me from being either psychic or a medium so the other side must not care too much that I’m not religious since they still let me have my gifts LOL! Honestly whether you are religious or not is irrelevant as you will still go to the spiritual plane after your passing. There is no Heaven or Hell, only the spiritual plane that we all go to regardless of how we behaved in this lifetime.

  • OriginalDry3013

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    After my mom died I questioned my beliefs as well, I think it’s normal to an extent. What do you feel is true or correct? Imo everyone is entitled to their own belief system, to me if they believe it’s true than that’s what is real for them. I wasn’t raised in religion, and I’m more open minded than the majority of Christians out there. I have friends that are agnostic and atheist and others who are buddhists…it’s not my business to tell people what’s right or wrong, that’s for us to decide on our own. Love is love, and we need more of that in our world.

  • VolpeFemmina

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    So, when I was an atheist and a pure materialist I would think of the great mysteries, the unknowable that I had decided not to guess at, when I was directed to pray or when it otherwise seemed to be what was needed was for me to think of something “higher”. The big 3: That we all must die, that we are all imperfect, that we do not ever know everything at once. Reflecting on that helped to bring me closer to a higher sense of oneness without needing any belief in a conscious deity of any sort.

    I hope this helps a little

  • SeaworthinessFit1278

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    Everything in your life is set up for your greatest awakening. And you made that possible. Whatever you believe or disbelieve, its bringing you to a place of higher understanding.

  • gentlywithachainsaww

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    Hi. I like this question a lot as it’s currently something I struggle with. So my mom is Catholic and my dad is Jewish. I was raised Jewish but my dad liked to incorporate my moms religious beliefs into our lives as well and we always were ones to pray in times of good and bad. Now that I’m an adult I don’t really practice my religion a ton but one thing I continued to do was pray. Praying became almost an OCD thing for me and I felt something terrible would happen if I didn’t say my prayers. Well, regardless of the prayers I said, terrible things did happen, even something I specifically prayed very hard for not to happen. I realized right then that we cannot ask anyone, even a higher power if there is one, to alter our lives. I now believe in what I mostly believed in all along, and that is science and energy. I know energy doesn’t die, and I don’t know what happens when our bodies die but I believe our souls and energy live on somewhere. It was actually freeing but also sad for me to be abruptly aware that prayers aren’t the be all end all after a lifetime of hoping and having that faith.

  • _SpecialK23

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    The loneliest/happiest day was when I finally came to the realization that God does not exist in my reality and that everyone else is not in my reality either. The day I left God behind was the day I left every basic person on this planet thus shrinking the amount of people I can have meaningful encounters with. I regret nothing bc I can think freely without the guilt of not doing/thinking or saying what im supposed to. Everyone around me talks about God and credits God for things in their life. And im over here looking for meaningful relationships with people who KNOW that this life is not meant to be controlled by a man made book. Its controlled by YOU. Do what you want and do it well.

  • clipclopthezebra

    February 13, 2021 at 12:20 am

    You don’t have to believe in Allah ever, if you don’t want to. You can climb 6 more dimensions and be very happy in that heaven without ever talking to or having a relationship with him. (My personal beliefs).

    Did you have to believe in Allah to have a relationship with your mom in this earth dimension? No. IF there is a creator, he/she made ALL the dimensions and I’m sure his character is consistent throughout each one. Can you eat on earth without believing in him? Can you get warm here without believing in him?

    His character is loving and he would never force himself on us. It would be super creepy if he popped up everytime something good or bad happened. “Like that orange?! I made it myself! BTW, I like your hair today.”

    I believe that demons and angels are just deceased people in different conditions of love. You don’t need God to believe in or talk to people.

    I’d personally say, “keep questioning!”

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