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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Preventing nightmares/ night terrors

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    Looking for a satchet or charm to help prevent night terrors. Happens once to twice every night and just looking to help any way possible. I’ve seen amethyst and howlite help but haven’t tried that, I’m looking for as many ideas as I can so I can set up a plan and start fighting this.

  • Preventing nightmares/ night terrors

  • Redz0ne

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    If you’re comfortable calling on a spirit, you could try calling a baku (an old-school Japanese yokai that eats bad dreams.)

    One time long ago I was dealing with night terrors from the medication I was on (every fucking night.) So I called on Hypnos (I was paying homage to Nyx for a long time at that point) and asked for restful sleep… and I got it (though it also sped up finding a better medication that didn’t give me night terrors every fucking night.) Don’t discount the old gods. If my experience is anything to go by, it seems that they’re quite eager to become part of our lives once again.

  • longWitch

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    In ancient Egypt, malachite talismans were once commonly given to children to prevent bad dreams and to help them sleep. I tried this on my wife, by putting a slice of polished malachite underneath her pillow. It was sort of an experiment, so I didn’t even tell her it was there, but it seems to have calmed her night terrors significantly. She said she doesn’t have her bad dreams any more, but once in a while (maybe once a month) they still get through. I think this just means I have to charge the malachite more often than I do!

  • ImLxe

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    In a little cotton/hemp bag put lavender for peace and sleep, galangal root for protection and mugwort which helps with prophetic dreams. Put under your pillow when you sleep and it should help!!

  • crazyashley1

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Frequent night terrors can be a sign of a neurological issue. Sure, do the lavender pillow sachets and chamomile tea with milk before bed, but please also schedule an appointment with your doctor.

  • thatwitchfromparis

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Put in a bowl some holy water, poppy, lavender, and salt and leave it under your bed. Add some orange blossom oil or any neptune-lunar concoction of your choosing for further help.

  • Brokenwing_1

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Cleanse out the room first, then put Black Tourmaline in the corners of your bedroom (you can also add a piece of selenite as well for extra) with the intention to protect the space. I had an unwanted ‘visitor’ for a while, as well as having nightmares. I’ve had zero issues since I stated my intention and sealed the space. It stopped immediately.

  • nation543

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    You could get a dream catcher. With this, however, this is an item that I would strongly advocate getting from an authentic source; if you get one from a huge brand name then they just put it through a machine and you get fuckall energy from it because there is nothing unique about it.

    I bet you could find authentic dream catchers on Etsy, ones made by hand. You could hang it on the wall above your pillow.

  • valleyswimmer

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    Similar to some of these already detailed. I can’t remember where I got this from but adapted it slightly to do with my then 10-year-old and wrote it in my shadow book:

    – write or draw something to represent your nightmare themes/fears
    – fold it up into black cloth (rubbed with salt first)
    -bind tightly together (string or cloth etc)
    – cover with some lavender, star anise and cloves
    – leave overnight in moonlight
    (we put ours on a windowsill)
    – put near where you sleep (we each had one in our bedside table)

    I also try to do stuff like think up beings that feel protective before I fall asleep. Eg an elephant or a hippopotamus, for me, or my childhood cat. I have not had much success that way but it makes me feel better anyway. Good luck – night terrors are so hard.

  • Melonby77

    July 5, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    I would combine lepidolite (better sleep) with black tourmaline (protection/clearing) under her pillow. I think it would work well if she can cleanse and program them herself or secondly by you.

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