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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Protection Spells / Spell Jars to Ward Off Negative Energy

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    I have a situation. Without going into too much detail, my team is constantly bombarded by negativity and toxicity at work. I am doing everything mundane I can possibly do to protect them, since that is my job as a manager but it is not enough.

    During the new moon, I did a freezer spell, but I also want to add to this and make each member Protection Spell Jars. Since this is work related, I do not want to necessarily bring in the spell jars and give them to each individual because I don't want to be seen as forcing my religion or views on someone. I do have the consent of my team to include them in my spell work.

    My question, can I make spell jars with the intent of them being for each individual on my team and then keep them with me? Will this work? Would it be bad to place them in their cubes in a hidden spot? My other option is to offer them a spell jar, but again, I don't want them to think they have to take it because I'm their manager.

    I am also open to other suggestions that would be beneficial to keep this person away from my team and leave them alone. I appreciate everyone's assistance!

    Blessed Be!

Reply to: Elspetta
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