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Forums Forums Psychic Question about synchronicity

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    I always feel my timing regarding serious events in my life is always wrong. I am either too late or to early. How can I fix that? I keep having opportunities for my work when I am not ready to take them or when it’s too late. The same with love life I always met people when I couldn’t be with them or the timing was wrong. I am I slow or the universe it too fast?

  • Question about synchronicity

    Sleavlog updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Sleavlog

    February 17, 2021 at 6:25 am

    This a hard question and only you can answer it. However, have you considered that it might just be you overthinking things, fantasizing with possibilities and wishful thinking in retrospect? I know this feeling and I believe we all have been there at some point. Looking back we can think on many decisions we made and occasionally think about how great the other option might have been. But the truth of the matter is that you made a different choice which led you to who you are in this moment. So that’s not being in the present and if you are constantly looking back you will miss out on what at your reach in front of your nose.

Reply to: Margaret
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