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Forums Forums Mediums Question from a widow who is now remarried

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    Hi everyone! I became a widow at 27 years old. My fiance died by suicide in 2017. We had a daughter together who was 16 months at the time of his passing. I also have an older daughter from a previous relationship. I went to a medium who brought my LF through.. She picked up on his death being a suicide and even more specific a GSW to his head. She asked me if he had another child and I said no and she said he kept showing another child involved. I told her I have a daughter from a previous relationship who he was helping me raise. She told me that she was a part of his soul circle from a previous life time..

    I just recently got married and I fear that when I get to the other side my LF won’t be waiting for me or it will be weird because I have moved forward in a new relationship earth side. I feel like when my husband and I pass I’ll be stuck in a world where they are both present with me and I’ll have to choose who to love.

    Any insight or words of wisdom to help me put this fear to rest? TIA

  • Question from a widow who is now remarried

    nabellan updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 9 Replies
  • Ande64

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    It’s very possible that both your deceased husband and your current husband are both part of your immediate Soul Circle family. That being said, you will see both of them in the afterlife and there is no competition in the afterlife as we are all just one thread of a larger energy. We don’t have emotions like competition and things like that in the spiritual Realm.

  • RicottaPuffs

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    Yes. there is a reason that the wedding vows include “Til Death do us Part”. there is no marriage on the other side. Souls do not judge you for continuing to live a life and for moving to another relationship.

    Was he honoring the relationship when he left this life?

    I have done readings for entire families. One grandma in my own family had four husbands. One grandma

    When I read for her, niece, ( and she was reputed to be a great cook), I made a joke about her cooking.

    My niece asked her if she was with all four of them. she replied, “There is no marriage here. We go where we want, we can be with whom we want to be”. She remarked that they were all getting along just fine. You love who you love. Does love have limits? No. It does not.

    I know another woman who was treated terribly by her first husband. Beaten, cheated on, you name it. Also, raped. She does not want to see him. She was greatly in love with her third husband. She asked me if she had to see him in Heaven? I told her that we have free will. She may see him. She will have to see him in her life review. But, she does not have to spend eternity with him at all. Marriage is a construct of the living. It does not apply to the soul. And, her third husband is waiting for her.

    He will be there when you arrive. There is no judgment, only forgiveness and love. Although, depending on his progress, he may still have life review tasks. Normally those are completed within two to three years.

    You will see him again.

  • UnsaltedButterfly

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    Would it freak you out if they’re all part of your soul fam? Mostly likely your two men know each other on a soul level and possibly weren’t even your lovers in past lifetimes (could have been siblings, parents, mentors, best friends,etc)
    Basically it’s all love on the other side! Hold it in your heart and you’ll all live in it eternally ✨????✨

  • carpoolmom3

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    I could have written this post. Military widow at age 26 with 2 kids. He felt like my soul mate. Now remarried at 33 with a new kiddo. I still hold guilt about moving on. I liked reading your post and responses.

  • xjulesx21

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    the afterlife doesn’t have the same emotions and feelings that we have as humans. he will be on the other side when you get there no matter what choices you make. much love ????

  • ThisIsNOTJeopardy_

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    Sorry to ask as I’m not familiar with all terms, what is LF?

  • pauliners

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    > I fear that when I get to the other side my LF won’t be waiting for me

    Spirits (or people) are not possessions and they do not “wait” for anything. There is no romantic love on the other side, good souls are all about unconditional love, they just love.

  • No-Difficulty-5009

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    Your an independent being. ❤️❤️❤️. Your doing amazing

  • nabellan

    February 13, 2021 at 3:21 am

    Hi, can you give me the info for the medium you used? I would like a reading please.

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