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Forums Forums Astrology real talk for a moment: astrology is fun and so is analyzing people’s birth charts to learn more about them but if you’re having a mental health issue/serious issue in general please don’t go blaming it on mercury being in retrograde. go to therapy.

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    real talk for a moment: astrology is fun and so is analyzing people’s birth charts to learn more about them but if you’re having a mental health issue/serious issue in general please don’t go blaming it on mercury being in retrograde. go to therapy.

  • real talk for a moment: astrology is fun and so is analyzing people’s birth charts to learn more about them but if you’re having a mental health issue/serious issue in general please don’t go blaming it on mercury being in retrograde. go to therapy.

    MissCellan updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 9 Replies
  • Zestyclose_Ad_9321

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    I think this is for a few reasons ( from my own experience ). When you are already mentally ill and introduce spirituality and existential concepts, you can become fucking delusional and start to lose your sanity. Especially if you have OCD or your mental illness seems normal to you. I think it is also because astrology might seem like psychology to some people ? So lowkey you will get obsessed with astrology or tarot or something like that and start overthinking interpretations and feeling dependent on astrology. Like when you find a placement and it seems so accurate to your life, so you think astrology is like an all seeing eye and must follow it. Kind of like how people get obsessed with psychology or drugs idk. I think you should just journal out your memtal illness to understand it better and like think of a really realistic way like Saturn does to actually ‘escape’ (heal) from your mental illness. You can read a bunch into therapy and pull from the well of knowledge there, or research about concepts. I do think there is this weird thing though where you get addicted to knowledge or something though, i am a gemini and i have seen myself and others go down .. paths … and I don’t know what causes it.

    I’ve been down it and it is not fun like you have to just pull your head out of your ass one day and be like fuck i need mental help cuz u will just go on and on and on and on and on. Like u def need a therapist for it basically because it is deep mental illness in my case. Like u can’t always do it alone

  • umimari

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    This is relatable to a lot of people, like they will be the worst person and then be like “oops sorry I just have a Gemini Moon” or whatever (nothing against gemini moon it was an example! my bf has this placement lol)

    When actually astrology should work more like: I have these placements which means I’m like this… how can I CORRECT them? How can I make them PRODUCTIVE? We’ve come here to LEARN, not to just do whatever we want and escape from our problems and finding excuses.

    Also astrology does help see ourselves but it doesn’t work as a psychological therapy! Maybe you know your “bad” issues but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will be able to correct them without therapy.

  • nachtreadings

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    This 100%

  • desperateforhairhelp

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm


  • RX500-android

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm


  • eatyrgreenz

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    as a person who was medicated during the half of the conscious life I would disagree???? realising the fact that I am codependent with lots of non-human aspects including planets, changes of seasons etc. helped me a lot during my dreadful withdrawal from psychic meds — and it still does. psychiatry is a dark place sometimes and I know it by my own experience. unproven medication is no better than working with own emotions and energy

    (not related to everyone’s cases and sorry for the mistakes — not my native language)

  • E-werd

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    I feel like if you’re going to be into Astrology for anything more than entertainment value, you should be using it as a guide for things to watch out for. You’re a Libra, you’re going to be prone to being vain, keep that in check. You’re an Aries and there’s a decent chance you’re going to be a blunt asshole, have self-awareness. You’re a Capricorn and you’re generally good at keeping shit organized, lean into that. Whatever the case, just things like that.

    I’m still not totally sold that this is a real thing, but I’ll be damned if most of it doesn’t make a lot of sense. If you use it as a self-awareness guide, the worst case scenario is that you’re working on yourself anyway. You can’t really lose that way, just don’t obsess.

  • bklove1

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    I believe in astrology and divination 100% but I still go to therapy to work on my problems. Astrology should be used more as a guide and a way to bring awareness, not an excuse for bad behavior and not taking care of your mental health.

  • MissCellan

    February 7, 2021 at 10:56 pm

    The meme is funny but save the real talk for an
    r/astrology rant

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