I have a angel invoking tarot deck i used a few days ago to invoke some angels
Five of them to be exact, i can speak with spirits and i spoke with the angels i summoned for a few moments then was given a vision.
I saw a bronze goblet that was holding fire in it it was floating in the air and above it was metal /bronze stars 12 of them i think no to shure tho i saw each one go into the fire then come back out and take its orginal place and it was twilight outside if that makes a difference.
I invoked the angles for help agaisnt some people i am dealing with but i have started to notice a pattern with the messages i receive, they are not necessarily an answer to my questions as much as they are things i need to know in general.
So my question is what do you think the vision was about ?
Im not looking for super detailed responses just enough info to understand the meaning.
Thank you