As the title says, I've been recntly laid off. In fact, as I write this, I'm omw to the last day with my coworkers so we can all say goodbye (the whole store is closing)
I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I'm not immedietly concerned for my income, so I've chosen to look at this as an opportunity for change (looking at you, death card I got a while back)
What I'd like advice on: as I was walking, and more spesifically thinking about a starting my own buisness now that I suddenly have time, a plum tree dropped a fruit, which rolled almost directly into my path. I take this to mean its a blessing for this new direction, but I wanted to ask if anyone has any knowledge about what plums spesifically might represent or what I can do with the fruit? My first thought was to eat it but occurs to me that I could make it or the seed an offering.