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Forums Forums Tarot Reconciliation spread, new to tarot. Need second opinions please!

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    For context, I have seen some reconciliation posts on here and some people of course tell you not to go back which I totally understand! I just feel very uncertain and did the reading for myself about a situationship I ended 3 weeks ago bc I was doing alot of the chasing. For the first week I was happy to detach and try and heal, BUT, for the past two weeks my intuition has been telling me he's going to message me. He hasn't blocked me and I constantly see the message manifest, I have also been doing SATs at night to manifest a return and change from this person. The manifestation of the reconciliation is also appearing in my dreams, it feels so on the brink of happening but breaking the seal and it actually happening feels blocked.

    Again I am BRAND NEW to tarot, only started learning last week so I will put my interpretations but please let me know what you all think. I could have got these so wrong! But it's just my interpretations. Using a generic deck from amazon but in the styles of rider waite.

    1: Past History: King of Wands Upright – Im really not sure!

    2: Present: 4 of cups Upright – A disconnect between us or emotions specifically as theres alot of cup energy in the reading. Contemplating issues in the relationship.

    3: His current situation: Page of Cups Upright – A change of emotions, maybe an opening up for a new beginning?

    4: How he feels about me: The Sun Upright – feels warmth towards me or that I am a warm person. Warm and fond memories between us.

    5: Feelings about reconciling: 6 of swords Upright – not the best card to pull I feel, I understand it signifies moving on/away from something or transition. Maybe it could be leaving behind the old foundation between us?

    6: What can I do to help reconcile? : Queen of Cups Upright – To remain calm and take care of my emotions. Keep filling up my own cup.

    7: Will we reconcile: Strength Reversed – I know in a yes or no stength means yes, but I am not sure if theres alot of insecurity about the reconciliation.

    Thank you so much beautiful people – Beth x

Reply to: 20somethingwanderer
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