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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Requesting good vibes for potential dream job

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  • #411485 Reply

    If anyone has any good vibes they can send my way I’d really appreciate it. I left my previous job almost a year ago because it was extremely toxic and the male owner was very similar to an abuser from my past. I work in an extremely small industry that is dominated by fundamentalist Christians (also triggering from my past).

    I recently interviewed at my dream job. It is woman led, not Christian affiliated and a non-profit that does a lot of important work in the community and field. I am supposed to hear back from them soon and I am super anxious about it because every single other place I’ve interviewed with in the field is super toxic for me (led by insecure men, have fundamentalist Christian owners or literally treat people like garbage).

    I’d really appreciate any good vibes, energy or anything else you can spare.

  • Requesting good vibes for potential dream job

  • demeternati_art

    September 13, 2022 at 8:22 am

    I hope you will hear good news and you will get your dream job. Wish you luck and sending good vibes ❤️😊

  • amacatokay

    September 13, 2022 at 8:22 am

    I have some good energy to send your way!! 🤍

Reply to: PastorsDaughter69420
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