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Forums Forums Mediums Restless night of lucid dreaming

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    *i am prone to the paranormal on a normal basis and due to the nature of the dream I posted here for advice of a medium or someone with a similar experience*

    Woke up three times and each time I would open my eyes, see something dark/fast moving and say “what the fuck was that” then sit up on the side of my bed grabbing my phone to shine light around the room. Obviously nothing appears to be there. Each time felt as though something was definitely in the room but I wasn’t scared. After the third time I fall asleep and have a very vivid dream about being in someone’s house and coming to this room with shelves full of shoes (Jordan’s, trainers etc) i was told that it was the room of this person’s dead brother. I find myself alone in the room looking around and noticing that they set the room up like a shrine to him. I suddenly hear a harsh mans voice in my inner ear saying a name (either it was Mark Fletcher, Mike Flanigan, Mike Fletcher…im 90 percent sure the last name was Fletcher but the first name started with an M and F for the last name) it then said it again in my ear and proceeded to say “help me”. I asked the people in the house if they knew this name but they kind of brushed it off and pretendedthat I didn’t say anything. I ended up crying bc he kept asking for help and no one wanted to believe what I was saying. I know no one by this name btw but could this possibly be “someone” making contact with me through dreaming? I’ve had prophetic dreams before in the past but never any spirits trying to speak to me.

  • Restless night of lucid dreaming

    SimplyJames168 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • SimplyJames168

    February 12, 2021 at 11:44 am

    Be very careful with these lucid dreams because you might be attracting some unwanted attention from spirits with less than noble intentions. You’ll need to cleanse your room with white sage (smudge stick as everyone calls it) because I don’t have a very good feeling about this entity. If the dream comes back then it is indeed someone trying to make contact with you, but If it doesn’t then you’ll know you’re free from an entity.

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