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Forums Forums Astrology Saturn in the 12th

  • Saturn in the 12th

    Active_Doctor updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • karasapli

    February 15, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    I read in a very old astrology book that saturn in the 12th implies mental illness. A very close person to me with diagnosis schizophrenia has saturn in the 12th.

  • eyesandfeelings

    February 15, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    If you’re open to idea of evolutionary astrology which connects astrology to our past life, I recently learned that retrograde planets can be associated with our past lives. Look at your north and south nodes for more clues for they also connect to idea of past life and soul purpose and are pretty important in context of evolutionary astrology. (North node represents life direction/the direction we should go for our souls to feel in right direction/whole/fulfilled).

    I have Saturn retrograde in Gemini 8th house and Jupiter retrograde in Cancer 9th house. My north node is in the Gemini 8th house right in between these two retrograde planets so definitely I see the past life correlation. For me this has manifested as I need to transform my mind, my Saturn retrograde manifests as lack of self discipline in matters that I need to have discipline in, things like routine or just overall stability for example. With jupiter cancer retrograde it manifested for me as self neglect, struggle with self care and nurture. These both have been true since I was a child and something I always struggled with until recently now that I have more awareness I’m going towards ways that can help me heal it. The 8th house represents transformation therefore in this life I need to transform and heal from such things, Gemini shows it has to do with transformation of my mind, so breaking and transforming from past life harmful or unhelpful mental patterns. To be honest connecting more with my past life with evolutionary astrology, tarot cards and even meditating with help of past life regression yt video and remembering some of my past life helped me be able to make more connection/discoveries from my birth chart toward life and soul purpose a lot. Anyway enough about me, I brought this up just to explain, and also if interests me you have Pisces (12th house) retrograde energy. For ive learned both 12th and 8th house (aka scorpio or pluto) energy has connection with past lives, especially 12th tho.

    I suggest looking into your north and south nodes for better direction and interpretation to your retrograde planets and meaning of them. Connecting with your soul / past life can help you a lot figure out the meaning and purpose of this life, it has helped my understanding so much

  • Active_Doctor

    February 15, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    Saturn is on my 12th house cusp. It affects a lot of stuff (saturn is my chart ruler) but its stealthy in the 12th. I think subconsciously I limit myself.

    Does yours aspect anything? Mine squares my moon & trines my sun. So I think feel restrictions through subconscious emotional repression & holding on to bad emotional habits. I AM emotional, but I am dismissive of emotions, if that makes sense. I make efforts to be logical and not show my emotions (never really works, tbh) because as a child my mother was overly emotional – anxious, domineering, invasive, and my dad was very logical & detached which I admired. I think what I am supposed to do to improve my life is to be assertive about my feelings & my needs & not try to bury them. And also try to be consciously aware of them, cause a lot of the time I just don’t know what I need or dont consciously acknowledge how I am feeling (got that pisces moon, feeling feelings but not quite knowing what/whose they are).

    I think Saturn trine sun (9h libra) keeps me honest & reliable & cautious, but might make it difficult to have a real sense of direction, and I think because it’s in the 12th & my chart ruler, Saturn makes me question my self worth & always makes me feel like I’m not good enough – not working hard enough or whatever, and I beat myself up really badly over failures and mistakes.

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