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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Should you cast spells with malice in your heart?

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    I’m going to leave all my precious posts open so people can see why I am considering a revenge spell. I’m so filled with anger towards this person. But I don’t know if I want to be someone’s karma.

  • Should you cast spells with malice in your heart?

  • kai-ote

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    As they say, “Revenge is a dish that is best served cold”. Doing a working while you are all frazzled makes it very difficult to be precise. You want to be able to really focus and be precise in your working for this, so go from red hot anger, all the way down to an icy cold calm state of indifference towards them. Then call up your anger for the casting, and ball it up and send it out all at once with precision to get exactly what you want, no more, and no less. BB.

  • Gildedragon

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    So you think you can non maliciously harm someone?

    That doesn’t track.

    If you believe this stuff is real, it follows that you believe you are at least partially responsible for the outcome.

    If you don’t believe in this stuff, then why bother?

    Either way if you must do, do it wholly. Half measures will only get you burnt or stung, & might be ineffective as a curse on others.

    Rather work a spell to bring wealth to you. You can ask it be in proportion to the harm he caused & now knowingly avoids compensating.

    An eye for an eye but not more

  • frustrated_staff

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    Malice? Sure. Anger, not so much. When you go to cast your spell, whatever it’s be, it should contain only the emotion that you *choose* to put into it. If you’re that angry that you can’t separate the anger from your Will, now might not be the best time, but later, when you’re in control, if you choose to begin a spell and fill it with malice and/or anger out of choice, rather than as a reaction, that is the time to do it and pour all of that emotion into the spell.

    I mean, I wouldn’t recommend doing it that way at all, but if you’re gonna do it, this is the way.

  • Alternative-Emu3602

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    If baneful energy is needed, it will be provided

  • bananataffi

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    personally i wouldnt. but you do you

  • OriginalNinjaCat

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    Karma means that which you do in this life affects your next incarnation, not bad things bro g bad luck in the same incarnation so I highly doubt that you are likely to make those decisions about their next incarnation.

    That aside, if you worry you are going to feel guilty than you probably aren’t justified in doing something harmful by your own admission. If you feel the harm is justified, or self defense there would be no problem in moving forward with it


    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    As a Satanist, I say yes but only if it is to protect yourself or others. If it’s just to “get even”, then no.

  • Long-Pound3776

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    Yes you should if you’re doing a revenge spell the emotions amplify the work … your placing all that malific energy into your spell… it’s a release for you as well … also I’d set my spell to not return to me. To go in a loop back to its intended target.

  • fallenwish88

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    I would advise cooling down, plan it through and be thorough, then when the moment is right recall this feeling, this anger and energy and infuse it into the working.

    Anger and malice are good energies to fuel hexes and curses, but can get hairy and overwhelming (just like euphoria and feelings of immense happiness). Best approach to using emotional energy is being in a neutral mindset when you start the work so you can focus it better.

    As for “back lash” I have never personally had any, but the ones I’ve casted I have done with no regret.

    Take care x

  • cloudiedayzzz

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    Maybe instead of a revenge spell you could do something along the lines of may all their intentions be rewarded in kind? Almost like an unhex or uncross.
    I’m still brand new to this but I think a revenge would be asking for bad karma, but an unhex or a return spell may be on this side of the line. Either would set forth the intention to keep his crappy energy and behavior further away from you.
    I wish you well.

  • Correct-Parsley-6369

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    Whenever I have touched spellwork during anger, it has slapped me back in the face threefold. It’s not worth it. It’ll work, but three times the hell will be returned to you, at least in my experience.

  • Redz0ne

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    “Should you cast with malice in your heart?”

    Depends… are you prepared for the spell to (potentially) backfire because you couldn’t let go of the hurt and anger?

  • PathNo11

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    If you wish to cause pain to another person out of spite you will only have a worst outcome and I wish you luck.

    If you are wishing for karma and for the other person to learn a lesson with the intent to GROW. Then you may actually have something. However with what you have already said I recommend dropping it, working in yourself, and moving forward.

  • ladyofdov

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    I’m gonna be REALLY annoying here but this is the best advice I have:

    The best revenge is to live a happy life.

    It’s a total clique, I know. I know. But its a true one. Rather than focusing your wrath on that POS, make a spell for your own healing. Make a spell to help you bring something nice into your life.

    I speak from experience. Even if this jerk was to drop dead, there is no guarantee that you’ll be satisfied. You may just end up being angrier even.

    I’ve said my piece. Do what you must.

    Edit: read your previous posts and WOW! He did that to you AND your kids?!

    I completely understand your anger and absolutely do not judge you if you decide to curse him, although I wouldn’t have anyways. I’m just saying I understand you better.

    That ”man” is truly a shit stain and is his own curse, frankly. You seem like a real classy and good woman, and in the long run you will be better off. I know that those words are worth shit right now with the situation you are in. I just hope that whatever you do, its what’s best your you and your children.

    I’m going to light a green candle for you tonight and petition my Goddess for financial help for you. I hope this helps 🙁

  • WitchyNailTech

    September 5, 2022 at 12:40 am

    Hell the fuck yeah. If someone’s gonna mess with me or my loved ones to a point of no return ya damn skippy I’m about to malice out all over the place.

    As for karma, I think you and I have two very different ideas of what it is.

    Also I agree with Kai – calm down but harness that anger to your core so it can be channeled later.

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