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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing So disconnected from my craft

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    I practice divination; runes, scrying, the occasional dream, but mostly tarot. Lately I have been feeling like every reading I do is wrong. Whether I’m interpreting the cards wrong or pulling the wrong card – I’m not sure but I feel so stunted and blocked. When I first started divination 6 years ago it was like intuitively and spiritually I was so in tune with myself, my cards, and others that daily I was learning and growing. Now I feel like the universe no longer wishes to communicate in order help me better myself, and assist others where I can. I feel just like an ignorant child again. Has this happened to you? If so how did you learn to change or overcome it all? I suspect this is not something I can force.

  • So disconnected from my craft

    zerofoxen updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • Void-Laughter

    June 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    I find it more likely that there is something going on inside you personally that is making you feel disconnected.

    I fully believe the universe is all of our “higher selfs”. We are all just fragments of the universe having a human experience. The lines of communication are still open and waiting for you, sometimes things get noisy on our end though and we can’t get the message clearly.

    Check the basics first: are you eating enough, drinking enough water and sleeping enough? Has anything disruptive happened in your life lately? Are you under any stress? Have you had a medical checkup lately to ensure everything is still good and healthy? Has there been any recreational drug use? Are you trying to kick a habit? If you have any doctor prescribed medicine have you been taking them as instructed?

    Next: How connected with yourself are you? Have you done shadow work or some meditation lately? Energy work to ground and center yourself? Does your home feel stagnant and maybe its time to cleanse the place? Home wards / personal protections needing to be refreshed?

    How do you feel about this particular tarot deck? Perhaps some new imagry is in order to kick that intuition back into being more active than passive? I suggest using a free tarot app to see if this helps at all before outright buying a new deck.

    Sometimes doing something so repeatedly can feel foggy after a while. Have you tried taking a guilt free break from the cards lately? Or are you pressuring yourself to go back to how it used to be?

    Check these things. These questions are not something I need answers to, they are for you to make a self assessment with.

    I highly suggest you stop comparing your practice now to what it used to be. Instead focus on where it is now and over time how it improves. If you keep looking back to when it was at its most optimal you will always see the current state as less than. Instead look towards improvement from the current state. Journaling may help yous in this.

  • FullMoonRougarou

    June 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    Turn your attention elsewhere for a while. Go take a walk in the woods / nature. Listen to the wind in the trees, watch critters, sit on a rock or the grass and reconnect to the earth. Blessings! 🕊

  • zerofoxen

    June 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    Stop obsessing over it and develop other parts of your intellect/spirituality.

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