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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Someone from my dream wishes to talk to me

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    It’s like the title said. Yesterday I did some meditation to see Freya, but I didn’t see much, so before I went to bed I prayed and asked that whoever it was that showed up to me, whoever wishes to contact me, does so in a dream.

    The dream was normal. Like any other. I can barely remember it. Then it came to the end, and this person was standing there, on a hill. They said something that I couldn’t hear, so I took some steps towards them. They said, “I need to speak to you.” I said something along the lines of, “What?” while still approaching them. “I need to talk to you,” they said again. Then the dream ended abruptly.

    The only reason I’m holding onto this encounter thing is because 1, I asked before I went to bed for someone to contact me through my dreams and 2, that’s the only part of the dream I remember.

    I don’t even remember what the person looked like. Other than the fact that they were female, or at least female-presenting and had brown/black hair, and were standing on a small grass-covered hill with a blue sky behind them. Really, all I remember is them saying, “I need to speak to you.”

    It felt very commanding, though the words were spoken/said/given to me in a softer tone.

    How should I continue? Meditate some more to try and contact whoever it is that wants to speak to me? Wait for tonight to have another dream? Cast aside this moment because it means nothing?

  • Someone from my dream wishes to talk to me

  • Razorsharp-666

    July 4, 2021 at 1:47 pm

    That’s only my opinion, but either it means nothing and it’s only your brain fulfilling your desire, or it could be that you need to talk to that person or the other way around. If so, try to focus really hard on the face and voice (if you remember or can) and maybe you’ll recognize it. If it’s only your brain, I’d say discard it, but there’s hardly a way to know for sure, so do as you will!

    Sry not very helpful, but dreams aren’t my kind of thing…

  • mystiqueisland777

    July 4, 2021 at 1:47 pm

    I’d say continue meditating? Have you had any women fitting your description pass away recently? I highly recommend the book, ‘The Psychic Witch’, for developing psychic abilities.

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