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Forums Forums Mediums Something has happened to me and I need advice

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    Hi. I would like to begin this post by saying that I have very little experience with the technicalities of this type of thing. Something extraordinary and terrifying has occurred and I need to tell someone. Last Tuesday, I was sitting in English class, and this wave of dread and fear came over me. This feeling grew and grew. Pit in my stomach and all that. I knew right there that death was coming soon. I knew somebody else with a connection to me would die. I could not shake the feeling of death off. I didn’t know the specifics of what would happen, how it would go down, I just knew that somebody was going to die. Two days later, our family got news that a family friend had passed away. This is the first time I have seemingly predicted something like that. I am in no way familiar with mediumship at all. I can’t tell my parents, they wont believe me. I dont know if this was just a coincidence, but I would like advice. Is this normal? Is this a coincidence? Should I do something?Thanks

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