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Forums Forums Psychic Spirit Guides: Finding the Tiny Voice in the Stillness

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    Talking to your spirit guide can be hard when you can’t hear their voice in the stillness.

    When I was a little girl my mother told me to always pay attention to the little voice in my head… it is the only thing that knows the difference between right and wrong.

    To connect with the voice you need to go through four levels to a fifth state of mind:

    Earth –






    The physical body and if you have ever been sick, hungry, or drowning in a depression. You know how much control the physical body has over your quality of life.

    In Meditation, when attempting to find a “comfortable” quiet place to relax… the body likes to taunt you with itches, stings, and twitches. The practice of yoga is not just for cool moms! It prepares the body for meditation by stretching out all active thoughts and feelings festering in joints and muscles.


    The unconscious activated visually when dreaming. If overcome by raging concerns before bed, scary stories will play in your mind in the form of nightmares.

    In Meditation when you close your eyes images dance behind your lids. The causes your eyes to roll and get very very sleepy. When people complain about falling asleep, it is because they drift in to dreamland. To stay awake during meditation externalize the eye’s behind the lids. Look straight out. Left thinking, right remembering, looking at something… center.

    **Fire – Hell**

    “And I heard the voice of the Devil: “I am Evil”, he said, “at least so far as Evil can exist in this best of worlds. In order to see me, one must be able to see unfairly, incorrectly and narrowly. I close the triangle, the other two sides of which are Death and Time. In order to quit this triangle it is necessary to see that it does not exist.” – P.D. Oupsensky

    In Meditation this is the part when you start freaking out! “What if this work?” “what if it doesn’t work.” “Wait…I think it is working” “What if it IS working…” When you are told to focus on breath, or a mantra, it is to prevent your mind from chaining thoughts. Breathe… monkey, breathe… man on a corner, breathe… stop thinking of your mother… breathe… It is ok to think… just not chain to a full conversation with yourself. The goal here is light as a feather, stiff as a board. With each breathe and externalizing eyes, the body will become weightless. You will be able to move your limbs, but feels as if you are floating.

    **Fire – Heaven**

    So you did it! You are now officially meditating, feels pretty cool right. Yup! Just floating here thinking about nothing…

    In meditation there is usually a set time where you alert yourself to wake up, or given some guided words where to go next. I personally love the floating phase and take a few moments to just swim around. However you must push through eventually…


    What? Wait what? Welcome to the Party! Here we have a selection of ghosts, demons, and guiding entities! If you are to communicate like a medium, this is your last stop. Good Luck and Hope you salted… for the rest of us let’s move on.

    In meditation this is the chatter coming in like messages. People get stuck here because they believe this to be the true self. Especially if your psychic ability is fine tuned and the stations come in crystal clear. However much like the images in the water world, you must look through to the darkness.


    In meditation this is silence. Where a tiny voice crystal clear appears. Once you reunite with this voice for the first time, it will forever remain within your conscious mind. To call upon when needed, a positive influence called your spirit guide…the true self and source of all pure psychic intuition.

    Reunite with your spirit guide by traveling through the 5 phases of meditation.

  • Spirit Guides: Finding the Tiny Voice in the Stillness

     SuperfriendsK updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • AstralTransfixion

    November 23, 2021 at 12:46 pm

    Interesting! I like the way you put this. I have a lot of difficulty I suppose in the fire area. I think maybe once or twice I have achieved the floating sensation. Could you explain a little bit of how to “push through” from the fire to the air stages?

  • HungerReaper

    November 23, 2021 at 12:46 pm

    Would you explain the external eye part, that’s all I’m not gathering

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