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Forums Forums Psychic SSRIs and Psychic Ability

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    Forgive me if this has been covered recently, but I was just wondering…are there any psychics out there who are or have ever been on SSRIs for anxiety or depression, and if so, did you find that it inhibited or changed your ability to perceive spirit or transmissions? Thanks!

  • SSRIs and Psychic Ability

    Dingdonghearbell updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • I_cry_during_sex_2

    February 8, 2021 at 10:24 am

    Apparently psych meds mess with shaman abilities.

    And some drugs/medications can enhance abilities.

    Since all mental illnesses and powers are related, I’d say there’s a connection.

  • Dingdonghearbell

    February 8, 2021 at 10:24 am

    I don’t take SSRI’s but I do take a different class of antidepressant in winter and use St. John’s wort if I need something for break through. ST. John Wort has the same pharmaceutical properties as an SSRI. I find it increases my focus and my abilities follow suit. However, you do not need SSRI’s to survive. I would look into herbal or other alternatives such as outdoor exercise. Also if you decide to stop using it, it’s a good idea to taper slowly.
    THe ability to perceive spirit transmissions is based on understanding how your mind processes sensory information. If you understand how to use that then medications, location and other circumstances will not make any difference.

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