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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Symbolism and hints of a god’s presence at Temple of Apollo

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    Greetings, fellow Witches! I’m a newbie in magick and stuff, and I would need your help in regards to some symbolism: today I have managed to get to Delphi, Greece. I visited the archeological site of the Temple of Apollo, and there had been multiple events that made me think that a god(ess) may like to work with me. First things first, I’ve been dreaming for over a year about me transforming into a raven or interacting with serpents (particularly white snakes, besides seeing an actual raven on the top of my room just above my head about a month ago) and today the following happened: I’ve encountered cicadas and butterflies multiple times(these could easily be due to warm weather), a fox in the golden plains when I got lost on the site, two squirrels, and 3 perfectly shaped pinecones. When I got lost, I was standing at crossroads between two paths, which something told me to go on the right one, which was littered with lots of pinecones as well, as if somebody tried to mark the way before me. Now, I would like to hear your advice, witches: were these just pure coincidence, or they were actual signs that a god(dess) would like to work with me? I must say that my best magickal power are dreams, I often get lots of symbolism and flashes from the future within them.
    Thank you all for your help, magickal folks.

  • Symbolism and hints of a god’s presence at Temple of Apollo

    TripperMcCatpants updated 2 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • TripperMcCatpants

    July 6, 2021 at 2:01 am

    It’s all open to your own interpretation. Anything can both be a coincidence and have a greater meaning if it speaks to you.

    Delphi was known for its sibyl(s). Hecate presides over crossroads. Artemis is Apollo’s brother and the goddess of nature. There’s so much potential meaning in what you’ve laid out that really you can have your pick of whatever feels significant.

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