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    I love the crystal visions oracle deck, but this is actually the first time I feel I’ve really paid attention to the details. My question was “what is the theme/focus of the day?” And what caught my attention are the woman figures morphed on the tree branches. I haven’t gotten a clear message from it so far but potentially it resonates with being in touch with different parts of myself enough for hidden things to come to light – not necessarily negative hidden things, but good aspects to myself that were dormant for a while. Like page of pentacles is playing in tune and the rhythm is bringing out some harmonious aspects or different aspects of myself. But I’d love to hear how anyone else interprets the imagery 🙂

  • Symbolism imagery interpretation/discussion

    Celadon94 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • HouseofNineCups

    February 5, 2021 at 8:06 am

    Well, the pages across most decks are messengers. Sometimes, literally. They’re the youthful energy of the court cards as well. We’ve got the element of Pentacles. Some of this could be a message to reconnect with that youthful curiosity that once found great satisfaction and pleasure in nature.

    You know how children can be sent outside to play with ANYTHING? They don’t need a phone. Or a tablet. Or a television. They find fascination with leaves moving in the wind, and ants marching in the dirt, and clouds rolling across the sky….And that’s enough. It’s really all very meditative for them. Have you ever seen an angry child screaming at a pile of flowers and bugs? I haven’t.

    This could be a message to disconnect from the demands of your daily electronically driven life and tap into your inner nature child. You don’t have to roll around in the dirt, but do whatever helps bring that energy into your life. Gather some flowers. Walk through an (empty) park. Look up at the sky and use your imagination to try to see more than your eyes can show can you.

  • Celadon94

    February 5, 2021 at 8:06 am

    Does the deck come with a guidebook?

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