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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Tarot Help (explanation in text)

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    To give some background, me and my family are supposed to be going on a trip in these next couple of days, and because my mom and sister usually but heads when we go out (or when they’re in the same room really) I wanted to know what the possible end result would be from the family trip both with all three of us and just with me personally as I’ve gotten some strange vibes about the trip (nothing bad, but like something big will happen for me during the trip). I really just shuffle the deck until the card(s) fall out and let my guides tell me if the card is apart of the message or not.

    When I pulled the tarot cards, the first card I pulled represented the end result of the trip for my mom and sister, which was the five of wands (conflict/arguments or aggression, which isn’t surprising since like I mentioned before my mom and sister are each others enemies). When I pulled a a card for myself though, it was a reversed ace of swords and I’m not really sure how to interpret it. I’m thinking that both these cards combined represent that there’s going to be some hostility with all three of us by the end of the trip, but looking up the different meanings of the card is sort of confusing.

  • Tarot Help (explanation in text)

  • Kaydreamer

    May 29, 2023 at 4:52 am

    How do you usually read your reversals? The Ace of Swords represents a gift of new knowledge coming to you, and its reversal could indicate the gift is blocked, or will be passed by unnoticed; potentially due to the squabbling of your family distracting you from paying attention to the world around you.

    I’d take this reading as a warning not to let their tensions get to you, and to rise above them or cut through them. Focus instead on yourself, the environment, and all the good things, new learnings and opportunities a trip may bring.

  • mingxingai

    May 29, 2023 at 4:52 am

    I wouldn’t look too deep into it not everything the tarot says is set in stone and you could end up fulfilling that outcome if you fixate on it enough.

  • suicidalkitten13

    May 29, 2023 at 4:52 am

    the ace of swords can indicate doubt or uncertainty – you may find a new opportunity/idea/creative outlet but not know if it’s what you want or how to act on it. it advises reflection on and understanding of your own goals and motivations.

    if you’re reading these two cards as interactive, it might mean that you do get caught up in whatever is going on with your mom and your sister (like you suggest) and need to step back from it to get your own clarity.

    you can always “draw” clarification cards to figure out what the ace pertains to – if you need more guidance.

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